Guess who I met? and personal pics

The other day on FB, a fellow Island Batik Ambassador and EQ artist – Marlene from kissed quilts, posted something about a museum in NC! I knew she was from Washington, so seeing something from NC I commented right away and found out she was within an hour from me, so we arranged to meet a few days later (yesterday)

If it wasn’t for my schedule, I could have met her at spoonflower in Durham and toured the place too, but her and her husband did it and then heading out to my place afterwards.

We had a nice talk about different quilty things and of course took some pics too!

It was great to meet you Marlene!! Let’s connect next time you’re near here too…..


Now to some personal pics, I can’t help but show off pics 🙂

Here’s some sister love





Sonja fell asleep with a fancy dress on in daddy’s office almost on top of his bass guitar, I thought it was a cute picture.


This week too, from Monday until today my friend Nancy (and her aunt Nancy) from FL visited again.

The moment they stepped into the house on Monday, Nancy started cooking and our fridge is stuffed to the brim now with dishes for about a week!

Last night we did a bon fire outside and toasted smores, hubby had to get the fire REALLY going with a leaf blower! LOL- such a guy…



While Nancy cooked AND cleaned, I embroidered about 16 aprons for her for her business for trade shows.



AND she also had time to do a few haircuts! Sonja got a trim AND bangs, so cute.



I got a haircut too! it’s SHORT- to my shoulders 🙂

This was a final goodbye picture before they left today.


They also got us gifts, one was a 3D puzzle with LED lights for Bjorn, and other things for the kids and stockings for all of us.


THANKS NANCY for all you did!

4 thoughts on “Guess who I met? and personal pics”

  1. sounds like you have had a wonderful week and the baby photos are so lovely.

  2. It definitely does sound like a great visit and the new look on you is great.

  3. Your kids are adorable and can Nancy come to my house. LOLLove your new look too!

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