Green school house block and chick pics

I had to borrow some green thread from my friend Laura to stitch down the school house block for RSC16, I finally did it Smile


Here’s 4 blocks so far (missing brown but I don’t have any solid brown, so maybe I’ll wait and see if I need it later.


A daily thing is for the kid to take the chicks outside in the grass, yesterday it was just Solveig and I and I brought the camera to take pictures of Popcorn and Star Shade Smile


3 thoughts on “Green school house block and chick pics”

  1. the chicks are growing so quickly. Liking the houses are they FPP or what I call normal blocks I wonder

  2. SewMisadventurous

    I think the children's names for the chicks were spot on . Did you find out what was happening with Popcorn's wing? I hope that it's not a big problem, have to say they both look happy and healthy, but then my knowledge of chickens is right up there with my feeble grasp of Advanced Calculus and my ability to speak Martian!😂

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