Gorgeous day to quilt!

This week’s weather is just GORGEOUS!!

Mid 70s or higher, windows are open, I LOVE it!

Here’s something NOT gorgeous…. I’m naming it my UGLY quilt.

These scrappy chain blocks finally got sewed together and I’m NOT loving it, looks fine here as a 2 x 3” picture but in person, it’s ugly!

SIGH, oh well. I’ll still finish it….

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I also finished this week’s women of the bible block- Moses’ mother.

again the block is only 3 1/2”- tiny!! I did FPP to construct it.

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This month’s Kitschy block was this cute tea pot!

I love it, though I did make an OOPS on the lid part to the right, but I don’t know if it’s worth fixing or if I should just leave it.

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And I did get a package from Connecting threads too, a new ruler and some new variegated threads! (and fabric too)

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Since it’s SO nice outside we’ve been taking Peanut for a walk.

YES, Sonja walked him! (about 5ft then dropped the leash, but he doesn’t really run away anymore, so no biggie)

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Sonja also got to pet Kitty, she calls him MIAW MIAW…

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Back to sewing/quilting Smile

9 thoughts on “Gorgeous day to quilt!”

  1. Vroomans' Quilts

    Finish that quilt – donate it and I am sure someone will just love it. Love the photo of wee bits walking the dog! My how she has grown.

  2. I love the picture of the dog walking Sonja.The scrappiness of the quilt looks good to me. I think you are being too hard on yourself.

  3. Your scrappy quilt isn't ugly. Crazy scrappy quilts are an acquired taste:)

  4. Finish your ugly quilt then give it away, you don't have to live with it. Someone will love it. xx

  5. Put some borders on it. It may look better. Maybe you could send some of that warm weather this way. It has been so cold I am freezing.

  6. Yes donate the quilt. I know someone would love it. And I see no problem with the teapot so leave it as is. The walk pictures are too cute.

  7. I don't think the quilt is ugly Bea!! What a cute photo of Sonja "walking" Peanut!

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