Goodies from Accuquilt

It was perfect timing!

Last week I was thinking that my old cutting mat was getting kind of fuzzy, and that I should order a new one and then I remembered how I’ve ogled over the larger 24 x 36” cutting mat but wasn’t sure if I really “needed” it.

Then I got an email from accuquilt with a fedEx tracking number and later an email describing the content.


Guess what was in it!?

A large and normal sized cutting mat, two rulers and a rotary cutter!!


It was like Christmas when it got here


I wasn’t sure if I’d use both mats but now I laid them side by side and the smaller- regular sized one fits between the large one and my sewing machine.


I’ve never owned a 12 1/2” x 12 1/2” ruler but have seen tricks on how to cut WOFs with it and a regular ruler, so can’t wait to try that out!


Swiffer loved the boxes Winking smile


Thanks Accuquilt!!

(Makes up for me not being able to go to quilt market this week)

-I’ll be sure to take pictures of my Accuquilt tutorials with the mat as a background!!

2 thoughts on “Goodies from Accuquilt”

  1. Vroomans' Quilts

    I have two of the extra large matts,3 large, 3 medium, two 6×12, and two 6" – a lot of matts but they all serve their purpuse (especially when I teach). I had one of the rotating matts, but hated it as it was too wobbly – so passed it on.

  2. Glad you got to stay home with your children this quilt market and get goodies. Babies and healing boys and girls too need their moms . To be honest I don't know what you are missing but it seems you put your family first so hopefully there will another time for you to go that fits better for your family

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