Giveaway day!

Last week I got an email from bloglovin that I reaching 400 followers, but when I look in one place it matches the follower numbers from blogger which is 687 and another place I look it says 133. I don’t get it!

Oh well…..

anyways, it’s giveaway time! (call it a late birthday giveaway then?!)

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Connecting threads is sponsoring a giveaway of

a FQ bundle of Prim hollow which contains 15 fabrics


All you have to do is comment and tell me if you remember your 10th birthday or around that age, and what games you did then?

(US and Canada only)

I will pick a winner next Thursday the 30th

78 thoughts on “Giveaway day!”

  1. Podunk Pretties

    I'm sure I was 10 at one time, but I don't remember anything about that age. My family didn't do birthday parties so we didn't play party games. However I can remember that me and my brother loved to play the board game "Trouble".

  2. 10 was over 40 years ago, so remembering games from back then was hard. I know we played hide and seek in the house, but that is all the games I remembered playing because I didn't play many games (still don't).

  3. I don't remember that birthday specifically, but I remember loving to play Twister with my friends.

  4. Kay Stephenson

    I can't believe I remember anything from that long ago – almost 50 years – but I do remember two games. I think we called one telephone or conversation. The mom would whisper a sentence to one girl. Then each girl in turn would quickly whisper what she heard to the next. The last girl would say it out loud and we would all laugh at how jumbled it was. Also we played a game where mom would arrange a bunch of miscellaneous items on a tray. We got to see it for about 30 seconds then had to write down everything we remembered. The girl who remembered the most items correctly won a prize. Simple fun for simpler times.

  5. We all dressed up in fancy "evening gowns " and lots of makeup. That was 52 years ago and I still remember it!

  6. Annette Schultz

    That seams like a long long time ago …. I do not remember any games from that time but I do remember that my mom would hit wrapped quarters in the cake for my friends to find.Have a great day

  7. Even though my 10th birthday was forty years ago, I remember it so well because it was THE BEST birthday EVER! We had a blast playing a spinning game in this huge stainless steel bowl (one of those industrial kitchen types). Each of us took turns and my brother (6 years older than I) would spin us at lightning speed! No one got sick either! LOL

  8. That is the year my Mom taught me to sew! I sewed on her Sear's sewing machine and made my little sister 'jumpers'! I remember being able to sew a zippers really good – my Mom made me the official zipper putter inner 🙂 5th Grade – will never forget that!

  9. Oops, in my trip down memory lane, I forgot to mention what board games we played! We played The Barbie game 'Queen of the Prom', 'Monopoly', 'Parchessi', and 'Clue'. When we weren't playing board games, we were riding our bikes to the library. Bonny

  10. Denise Mitchell

    I remember playing musical chairs , pin the tail on the donkey and running games.

  11. Vroomans' Quilts

    I know what you mean, I look at all the 'following' places and numbers never are the same. Thank you for hosting the give away. 10! So long ago, I have trouble remembering yesterday. We didn't have a lot of board games, but I do remember playing a lot of Tag – day or at night.

  12. Heidi [Banks of Frog Creek]

    16-ish years ago… I'm sure we were playing house or dress-up or with my barbies. We didn't play party games or board games at my birthday parties.

  13. I dont remember my 10th Birthday either, I am sure it involved a big birthday cake! Thanks for the giveaway!

  14. Crickets Corner

    My tenth birthday was 52 years ago and I don't remember anything about that year other than it was the year my mother was in a horrific car wreck that almost killed her. The family spent that year taking care of her as she recovered at home. I'm sure birthday parties were put on hold. By the way, she recovered completely.

  15. I don't remember my 10th birthday. I do remember my 7th birthday my mother made me a chocolate frosted #7 cake. I know she made our birthday cakes every year, for some reason I remember cake #7. I had a great, loving childhood lots of fun and family. Iremember those things more. Happy 400!!!!!

  16. Joyce Carter

    I don't remember my 10th birthday. It was too long ago and we didn't make a big deal out of birthdays back then anyway.. Any games that were played at that time would have been Tag or Kick the Can. Thank you for the giveaway.

  17. Remember 48 years ago? I usually have a hard time remembering 48 minutes ago. We always played outside with the neighbor kids…hide and seek, baseball, football. Our family also enjoyed lots of board games and cards.

  18. HELLO,that's pretty difficult to remember,but I do know one thing for sure My Mom would have baked me a beautiful chocolate cake! me+my friends probably played with our dolls! Thanks for sharing!

  19. Catskill Quilter

    I do not remember anything specific about my 10th birthday, but I do remember that it was my first birthday after my family moved from Bridgeport, Ct. to the Catskill mountains. CONGRATS on your followers!

  20. Quilter Kathy

    What a fun giveaway!We played 'in the tail on the donkey', and pass the parcel, and we loved to play 'duck, duck, goose'!!Great memories!

  21. Congratulations on your 400 followers. I remember playing musical chairs at the birthday parties and probably playing with dolls then too.

  22. Congrats on 400.. (or whatever)! I don't remember my 10th, but I usually had a sleep over and we played with our Barbies, giggled, ate cake, and stayed up late.

  23. For my tenth birthday party I got a brand new Dave Clark Five album and one of the Monkees!!! so we did lots of dancing (girls only party mind you!!!)

  24. Wow! That was a long time ago! I really don't remember the specificone. I do know that we had a fantastic party. My Mom & I had thesame birthday, and she always made it special.

  25. Most of our birthday parties were spent with family. I don't remember my 10th, but we probably went to my grandmother's farm, where we always ended up playing some version of pop ball. Congrats on 400 followers & thanks for the chance to win win.

  26. I only had one birthday party and it was when I turned 5. At age 10 there were no parties but I do remember loving to play jacks! Now I cannot remember any of the advanced levels at all and I certainly could not sit on the sidewalk in leg contortions at this age. Such a humorous comment question. Happy Birthday Bliss…

  27. My older sister always organized games for my parties. Drop the clothespin in the milk jug was a favorite. Thanks for the sweet giveaway.

  28. Diane Beavers

    My 10th was just after Neil Armstrong walked on the Moon for the 1st time ever. Hopscoth, jump rope and of course board games like Yahtzee, Kerplunk, Monopoly.

  29. I don't really remember my 10th birthday but it was 1962. We played hide and seek throughout the whole neighbor hood, & played lots of Clue and Monopoly with the neighborhood kids on rainy days.Kathy

  30. Ruth Griffeth

    Hum remembering back to my 10th Birthday, I believe that we lived really close to a miniature golf place, and I think that is where we spent my birthday party playing golf and video games.

  31. Lorene Holbrook

    hmmmmm, 10 years old. I would have been in the 5th grade. I remember having lots of sleep over parties. but with my birthday being only 4 days after Christmas, I didn't have a lot of birthday parties. my parents always made it special. so I am sure I received a beatles album and it was then I fell in love with Paul! stil am, please don't tell hubby!!!!

  32. I don't remember my 10th birthday specifically, but I'm sure mother would have made me a chocolate cake because it was my favorite. We probably played Monopoly, our favorite board game. Sounds like Solveig have a great birthday 😀

  33. I didn't have a 10th birthday but I remember going to someone else's party who turned 10. Their parents had rented a summer camp for the day–it was Fall so the camp was closed for the season. We hunted salamanders and did other nature type things. Anyone person's party was making paperweights. We were given the magnifying glass dome and we had felt circles that fit under it which we decorated with miniature things like shells and then glued the dome on the felt. I loved that paperweight and kept it for many years :o) Gosh these parties were so long ago, can't believe it–over 50+ years ago :o)

  34. 10 years old??? I can't even remember when I turned 20. It was just too long ago for me.

  35. I don't have a clue-too long ago.Most likely would have had some gathering with family and maybe some word games.

  36. I remember being ten. My Mom told me I was growing up and it would be the last year I would get a baby doll. I DID NOT want to grow up!!!! I looved dolls. I got a Chatty Cathy doll and yep, it was my last doll!!! But I loved getting Chatty Cathy. That was 53 years ago. I don't remember board games at that age, but I remember hide n seek outside, I spy games, and other games with kids. Never ever got asked to play in Red Rover so I hated that game!

  37. I remember my 10th birthday very well. I made and decorated my own double tiered/layered heart cake, and my mother made me 2 Barbie dresses, which I saw her making, and which she then confessed were my birthday present — I was so happy, and it didn't ruin the surprise at all. I also got my first camera and a roll of film. We didn't have a party, just my family.

  38. I do not R ember any games from 54 years ago but I made my first dress that year and was learning crochet and cross stitch. I loved Girl Scouts and went to camp.

  39. I remember my 10th birthday because I had a swim party at the local pool! As #7 of 8 kids, each of us could have only 2 birthday parties to invite friends. I don't remember any of the games we played, but I know we were starting to notice boys!

  40. Congrats on your following. It has been a nice trip down memory lane as I read all the other posts. My 10th was 50 yrs. ago. I know we did not have birthday parties, just my parents and siblings celebrated with a cake after dinner. We did not play games but I do remember my mother's tradition of presenting the gifts. She would hold the gift over the birthday person's head and say, "Heavy, heavy hangs over the head, what will you do to redeem it?" The birthday person had to guess how the gift would be used and then open it to see if they were correct.

  41. The only game we had in the house was a deck of cards so I know we played all the time. We learned to play anything and everything. I love CT fabric, they are wonderful and their fabric is right up there in my book.

  42. I don't specifically remember my 10th birthday, but at every birthday party we always played 'Pass the parcel'!

  43. One game that my sisters and I played frequently was jacks. Do kids still play that?

  44. Congrats on the rising numbers!No specific memories of being 10 – it all starts running together after a while… sigh…

  45. I think 10 was the birthday that we did a putt-putt golf party, and since it was my birthday I wore a new dress. Not the best thing for miniature golf!

  46. Oh man, that was a long time ago. We lived on a farm and my birthday was in the summer so I didn't get very many birthday parties. I don't remember my 10, but I imagine it was similar to the ones before and after. One or two friends for a sleep=over, probably. Thanks so much for sharing.

  47. TheStylishHome

    I think we played "pin the nose on the smurf" or something like that 🙂

  48. Lisa in Port Hope

    My most memorable birthday was the year it was beautiful leading up to the Saturday, and then it SNOWED (a lot), so our planned outside games had to turn into inside games. Maybe I was only 8 or so. (My birthday is the first week of April).

  49. Jackie Thompson

    I don't remember my 10th birthday. I do remember my ninth birthday was canceled due to a snowstorm. We never did reschedule.

  50. allison pogany

    My tenth birthday was in the early 80s. I had a rollerskating party and wore the coolest multi-colored polka dot dress with a matching headband and wrist bands. And I even had matching white, red, orange and yellow roller skates. My kids were laughing for ten minutes straight when they saw a photo!

  51. Susan Arnold

    I distinctly remember my tenth birthday, because I baked my own cake. A couple years later, I took up cake decorating, and did that for others for 25 years. Now, I rarely decorate, let alone bake!

  52. On my 10th birthday I went to Tweetsie Railroad in Blowing Rock, NC with my Mom, Aunts, and a lot of cousins. It was fun and hot and it was the day that Bobby Kennedy died after having been shot the day before. Vivid memory.

  53. Jacqueline Frances

    Hi there Bea,I can surely remember my 10th birthday…that was the year that I didn't get to have a birthday party as my family was practically destitute. I didn't even have a cake as we couldn't afford the eggs! My parents just told anybody who asked that I had been 'bad' and didn't deserve a party. As a 40-something wife and mother, I make sure that everyone in our family has a birthday party(including me), no matter if we are between paycheques or not!I love Connecting Threads!Thanks so much for the giveaway,Jacqueline in Pitt Meadows

  54. My mom made Bingo cards with names of movie stars… I'm sure Scott Baio (Cha Chi from Happy Days…) was on the list!!

  55. I do remember my 10th birthday as it was the only time I had a party. And it was supposed to be a surprise, but I am impossible to surprise!

  56. We didn't have birthday parties when I was 10. Just a few family members, some cake and a few presents.

  57. I am 72 years old so I don't remember if this was my 10th birthday or not. We were going to have a wiener roast in the back yard, but my father had sprained his ankle. So my father pounder 2 rows of nails through a board. Then he wrapped electrical wire around each nail. Then each wiener was stuck on two nails and the wire was plugged into an outlet and cooked the hotdogs. We didn't play organized games. We just played for a while.

  58. Red Rover, Tag, Hide and Seek and Twister. Not a care in the world at 10. Thanks for the memories and the chance to win!

  59. I don't remember my 10th birthday per se, but I know we liked to have scavenger hunts and a game where we were blindfolded and had to try to scoop cotton balls into a container…very hard to do, but oh so fun to watch!

  60. My birthday is very close to Christmas so we only celebrated with cupcakes and the immediate family. I remember getting Clue for my birthday around that time. I really loved that game.

  61. The only thing I remember about being 10is getting my monthly cycle. Lol and that definitely was no party. I do no we never had birthday parties as we were dirt poor. My mom used to bake us a pound cake and icing it for our birthday out of homemade icing she would make. But I am sure kids like any game at birthday parties….Just to have fun together as a group.

  62. My birthday is on July 4th. Everyone stays up later, so I am sure we all played kick the can, when it got dark enough, loved that game. Thanks for the giveaway.

  63. john hutchens

    I dont remember my 10th birthday but for most of them my mom had me a roller skating partycooladam1 at live dot com

  64. juliehallfeldhaus

    I think I was around that age when I had my only birthday party:) with kids besides my own family!!

  65. Cheryl Hovey

    We played monopoly, scrabble, marbles, operation… to name the few I can remember :-)

  66. Congrats on the milestone and I don't get it with the count either. I haven't looked at mine for a while but my blogiversary is coming up next month so I'll probably take a peek then. 10 years old? No clue what I was doing then.

  67. When I was 10 I moved right before my birthday, so I didn't really have much of a party.

  68. Josie McRazie

    The only memory of 10 was breaking my finger at church. On another note it was so much easier before reader ditches us all to know how many followers and such! I still miss reader!! I use Feedly, but its just not the same!

  69. Karen Propes

    At birthday parties we always had the drop the clothes pins in the jar and pin tail on donkey. The games popular were trouble, mouse trap, mystery date to name a few. Been a long time ago. Thanks for the

  70. I can't say that I remember my actual 10th birthday, but my Mom threw a birthday party for my sisters and I every single year. There were so many fun games that we played– the usual Pin the Tail, Drop the Clothespins, etc, but we also played Toss the Cottonballs, How Well Do You Know the Birthday Girl, Guess the Number of Gumballs, Memory, etc…. We always had SO much fun! Thanks for the chance to win!! 🙂

  71. I don't remember… but I remember "chubby bunny" and pass the parcel were popular at around that age.

  72. I remembering playing tag, hopscotch, dodge ball and playing outside a lot!

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