Getting organized

As you may know, I’ve been busy behind the scenes with secret projects so not much time for personal things, also running kids back and forth etc is taking away from quilty time.

Last week was the awards ceremony for middle school 3rd quarter

Solveig got Principal’s award and A/B honor roll, it’s actually the first time she didn’t get A honor roll but that’s because she’s doing math 2 online and I remember Bjorn struggling in that too a bit.

 Also last week was a Young Author’s award for the county, her and her buddy’s stories were picked for finals (there were 50 students total out of I think 2000 stories from K-8th grade)

This weekend started the kid’s Spring break, my friends from FL were doing a trade show at the fair grounds and got us tickets to go “help” not much help at all

 I took Solveig there and we walked around and got free samples and a facial at one place and it “sold me” because her face looked clear – well as good as a teenager can look and Solveig was excited too, so the sales pitch worked on us and we got some face cleaner/ lotion stuff and free stuff.

Oh and I’ve been organizing too, my printer used to be on the top shelf on the right and I had some bins already with stuff in them, like Island Batik stuff and UFOs, then I decided to move the printer to another room (it’s wireless) and I ordered 12 more snap bins and look how neat it looks!

Don’t worry the bins are not filled….Yet! ha ha

Our friends from FL are visiting now for a few days and I am still working on secret projects, so this week will probably be light from posts, we’ll see

2 thoughts on “Getting organized”

  1. QuiltShopGal

    Congratulations to Solveig! The Trade Show sounds like loads of fun. And, I like seeing how you are organizing. You may remember I've been drooling over your shelves for quite some time. I have plenty of plastic totes that need such a shelving unit (or more).

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