Funky friends at Market

I’ve been totally jealous of looking at pictures from Quilt Market, but as you know I have a few quilts with Island Batik at their booth PLUS some funky friends who’s been a secret until now!

This is Ellie the Blue Elephant!


I love how it/he/she sits. I love the ears and the teeth.

I used kam snaps for the eyes



The patterns are by funky friends and I actually have a platypus pattern too I’ve used.

I have made lots of different stuffed animals over the years and even though the pattern was clear enough, I think this elephant was the hardest I’ve ever done!


Next we have Heather the Voluptuous Purple Hippo!


I added a little flower behind her ear that I made with this kawasi flower thingy I have and a matching buttonDSCF7983


She was easy to make compared the elephant, but she’s also standing and not sitting

Of course I HAD to make her a tutu sort of skirt


She even has a tiny tail!

Do you know that when they GO, their tail swirls around like a propeller so IT gets sprayed everywhere!

Not that Heather the Hippo would EVER do such a thing! She’s a ballerina after all.


Hope they had fun at Market!

I founds pics of them that others took – I think these were Canton Quilt Works



Eventually these get sent back to us Smile


5 thoughts on “Funky friends at Market”

  1. Jessica Caldwell

    They were so cute. I really wanted to adopt your elephant! You did such a wonderful job on it.

  2. Your funky friends are so cute. I will have to search a bit to find photos of my two funky friends I made and sent for Market. The photo you have has the tortoise I made in it! I will write a blog and link to your post, too. So happy to see these at Market.

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