Fun to be mentioned

It’s always fun when my name pops up online and I didn’t know about it

here Fons and Porter mentioned my monkey wrench quilt I made for them last year

Lets Dance Quilt

and you can buy their pattern here

I never knew it was called Virginia Reel when it’s put together like this!

BTW I know I showed this online but don’t know if I showed it here yet, just a friendly reminder to clean out your sewing machine bobbin area!

I literally found a dust bunny in there!


and here’s a few pics from last week when the weather was nice and cool but not too cold and not too hot, perfect for going for a walk/drive.

Sonja got this from a friend, their girls outgrew this and it’s quite worn, but hubby got it working, so Sonja LOVES to drive up and down our street now


Anja got on antibiotics, but not an ear infection, but just in case I guess.

I’m pretty sure it’s Roseola, because she got a rash all over a few days after her high fever, but is acting just fine otherwise.

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And Bjorn is doing well too, the black eye is almost gone and he’s pretty much all caught up on missing homework and current homework, high school is hard! especially this early college program.

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7 thoughts on “Fun to be mentioned”

  1. Thanks for the chuckle your dust bunny gave me-been there done that! It seems it just doesn't take long at all to add up!

  2. barbara woods

    Hug your baby's for me, we lost our grands and three of my great grands to fire

  3. Vroomans' Quilts

    I laughed at your dust bunny as I did a program at our local guild on basic home machine cleaning and repair. I took one of my machines that 'really' needed cleaning – and we made a bunny with the lint fuzzies. You children are all growing so and blessings on you all.

  4. Good to hear your children are doing well. Your son is a very handsome young man and gosh when babies are unwell it just tears your heart out just wishing you knew what was/is wrong and how to "fix"' the older ones can tell you what hurts and with your son I guess you just have to trust and pray the health care people will be able to "fix" your child for you.You have had a trying year Thank goodness you are also being recognized for the talents of your own hands

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