Friends are gone

My friend Camilla and her kids Christian and Nanna are gone again, on to their next step in their vacation.

At first they were supposed to come here Wednesday, but because they all fly standby they couldn’t leave before the next day, so they got to Newark thursday, BUT because of the storms we all had on the east coast, EVERYTHING was cancelled that day and the next and good luck trying to get stand by then! so they ended up renting a car and going south and stayed at a hotel on the way and got to Raleigh NC mid day Friday!

We then went to the mall (10 min from the airport- they returned the car there)


We also hit the craft store on the way, then home where dan got Chinese food to go, and they had brought us presents from Denmark and both her (and her sister) AND my mom had bought Licorice!!!!

25 bags!! (so if we ration them, maybe there’s a year’s worth) ha ha –

when I say “we” I mean Solveig and I, we’re the only ones who like it (love it!)

They also brought shirts and gifts for all the rest of the family Smile


The kids had fun in the pool


we also took them to church and hit walmart, kohl’s and costco! It was just major shopping time for us all, My family is not used to that at all Winking smile

Dan did take the boys to see a movie in IMAX too!


Sunday night Camilla took us out to eat


and Monday morning they left again and had to fly to DC, then her husband and both her parents and his parents would meet them there and I think they are spending almost a week there, they going to NY, NY and doing touristy stuff there



The visit was too short!

Hopefully they’ll all come visit again soon!!

-oh and my mom gave my kids little cross necklaces too, which I thought was really sweet as she doesn’t believe in God, but respects that we do!

I also gave Camilla and her family several quilts (her mom was my sewing teacher in Elementary school!)

1 thought on “Friends are gone”

  1. Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting

    Always fun to have friends visit. We used to fly standby, with hubby's old job. An adventure at times. Hopefully your mother will 'listen' to what all of you say about God, and believe. Keep praying.

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