First EQ Tutorial tuesday on how to modify a layout from a magazine


I got quite a few requests for EQ tutorials, so here we go 🙂
(I am planning on doing one every other tuesday)

I thought of this idea for the first one, a GOOD reason to purchase EQ7.

Do you ever look at a quilt in a magazine and maybe thing it’s UGLY or you want it smaller or larger??

This will be the tutorial today, how to take a magazine layout and change it around.

You have to look at the magazine and either copy the blocks or search in EQ for them, it also helps to read the directions a bit to figure out how a block was constructed

since I can’t pick a layout at random from the magazine, I’ll pick my OWN, the “it’s a hootie” owl quilt from McCall’s sept/Oct 2012 issue on page 40

here’s my EQ sketch ( I decided to do a green border instead, but you get the idea)

Easily you can go into EQ and change the colors around to be more baby girl colors, like this one.o

You click the “spraycan” and pick a color in the palette and hold down CTRL button and click on a color in the quilt and the everything that was maybe BLUE now changes to purple or whatever color you picked and in a few clicks you can change the quilt to a different layout quickly.

You can also go to Connecting threads and download a fabric collection file (FAB file)- more about that here

Under the LAYOUT bottom tab you can also change the layout of the quilt, first I had a 5 x 5 layout, now I changed it to 5 x 7 layout. (you’d have to fill in the missing blocks)

Then you’d get THIS layout!

You can of course also change the block size, here I had it at 7″, but on the LAYOUT screen you can easily make it bigger or smaller.

At the bottom of the screen in the right corner it will tell you the finished quilt size.

Easy Peasy 🙂

Have fun…. feel free to suggest other tutorial ideas.

6 thoughts on “First EQ Tutorial tuesday on how to modify a layout from a magazine”

  1. Great tutorial idea and you explained it so easy. I know that when I do ger EQ I'll be referring back to this for quite a while. Thanks bunches.

  2. You did not say how you get a magazine design into your EQ program. Do you have to draw the magazine block, quilt, etc. and then alter it?

  3. What an adorable design and congratulations on having it accepted by a quilting magazine! Because I make donation quilts for children, I have used EQ for years to work with the available fabrics I have on hand or to re-size the patterns in books and magazines to fit my size requirements. In fact my current project was drawn up for that very reason. She talks about fabric placement that is NOT my choice and it gets confusing with out my visual printout.THX for sharing your tutorial and also mentioning how to do change out the fabric palette from CT!Linda J just in case I don't have this google profile mess straighten out!

  4. Very nice tute, Bea. As a fairly new EQ7 user I appreciate the step-by-step instructions you shared. Excellent. Thanks again… I am so thrilled you will be doing this on a regular basis. I have added you to my blogroll.

  5. Please explain more on how to take a magazine design and import it to EQ7.

  6. Petite sewer

    It would be nice to start at the beg inning- how to put the quilt into eq especially if the block and borders aren't in EQ to begin with. There are lots of shortcuts to drawing blocks that aren't obvious instead of spending an hour to draw line after line.

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