fat quarter shop gift certificate give away!

I’m so excited!

I’m having my first REAL giveaway.

(apart from the kit I made a few weeks ago)

a $25 gift certificate to the fat quarter shop


I will pick a number from random.org and pick a winner

All they need is a name and email! it’s open world wide….

Here’s what you have to do to try and win it.

1) be a follower on my blog and tell me in a comment that you are

2) tell someone else about this- i.e another blog/ facebook etc. and comment about it here

(1 entry for each way you tell about it)

3) tell us what you would USE that $25 gift certificate for and comment about it here

so it could be 3 or more ways to win this!

so COOL!

I will pick the winner monday the 17th at 3pm

 (when I come back from getting my kids at school)


and happy quilting.

13 thoughts on “fat quarter shop gift certificate give away!”

  1. Peach Rainbow

    I'd love some Terrain Fabrics, Thanks for the awesome giveaway 😀

  2. I never win anything, but leaving my comment anyway. I make lots of scrap quilts so would always have a use for FQ. Enjoying your blog!Found my way to you through the karolinakqilters yahoo group. will be back.Nancy

  3. I have been wishing for some Terrain fabrics for ages, so I'd probably get those. Although there are always so many beautiful things at FQS that I'd probably have to get a "few" other things as well!

  4. New followerI have also shared this link with facebook!!!I am a beginner quilter and fat quarters are something I know how to work with!!!

  5. Ashley Barnes

    Would love to get some neato fabric for quilts for the boys — or something super cool for myself 🙂

  6. I am certainly a follower! I also shared the link with my facebook friends. And…I would probably try to make something new and cool like your owl or some neato little creature for my daughter. 🙂

  7. And…I would probably try to make something new and cool like your owl or some neato little creature for my daughter. :

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