Farmer’s wife QAL Blocks U and V

I’ve decided to “speed up” the QAL a bit and show 2 blocks a week instead of 1.

Blocks U and V are the first 2 blocks on row 5 below

Block U is #68 in the book and it’s called Postage Stamp” which was a popular quilt block with tiny squares about the size of a stamp!

Directions are on page 195 and it’s also shown on page 85

With die #2 cut out 8 in grey and 7 of EACH Light Blue, Medium Blue, Dark Blue and Black

I decided to sew the block together into rows first, but use whatever way you want, it’s just squares 🙂

And this is what the block looks like, you can arrange the squares whichever way you want, just notice the grey is there 8 times, the rest can be in different diagonal spots.

Block V is #69 and it’s called Practical Orchard

The block is also shown on page 41.

It’s a simple block too cut out the following, 2 EACH of #4 in Black  and Medium Blue (the die cuts out 4 at a time so just put the rest aside)

then 4 EACH of #1 in Black and Medium blue as well

Sew the #4 QSTs together like this

Then sew the block together like a nine patch, pretty simple!

Block U’s story I already mentioned with an earlier block, but for block V the Farmer’s wife mentions a budget! How a farmer’s income can vary so having the same budget might not work all the time but you have to diligent when spending! No matter what time period we’re in, it’s always good to have a budget! I remember us being on WIC and now we’re VERY fortunate to not bee so tight, but we still watch what we spend, especially in this economy with the gas and food prices going up so drastically! I can’t imagine how people did it in the great depression, I heard my grandfather took his pay home in a wheelbarrow! I’ve seen my grandmother’s (really my granfather’s) stamp book where a stamp was a million kr! (Danish Kroner) We’re not like that now, I know, but we can still complain about the cost of things and budget accordingly! Something kids don’t really learn in school either anymore!?

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