Farmer’s Wife QAL Blocks BB and CC

Blocks BB and CC are the 3rd and 4th blocks on row 6 below

Block BB is #84 and it’s a spool block and it’s super easy! it’s on pages 105 and 211 in the book

with die #1 cut out 2 in dark blue and 3 in black and with die #3 cut out 4 in dark blue and black

I know it’s hard to see but sew all the HSTs together

and then sew the block together!

Block CC is #87 in the book and it’s called Star Gardener and it’s on pages 67 and 214

it’s a pretty simple block, just a lot of pieces! In the book it shows all small HSTs but I chose to do flying geese on some parts so cut out the following

with light blue cut out 8 of #2, 8 of #5 and 8 of #4

with medium blue cut out 1 of #1 and 24 of #5

sew together 8 small HSTs

sew the HSTs together with the #2 light blue squares and also make 8 flying geese with the #4 triangles and #5 small triangles

then sew these “bowtie” blocks together and double flying geese blocks


and sew the block together with the #1 square in the center

On page 66 the woman talks about women being skilled in cooking, sewing, washing, ironing, making beds, sweeping, dusting, setting the table etc. I read somewhere that MOMS are also psychologists, nurses, maids, counselors, taxi drivers etc and that if we would get paid for each job title it would be millions!! LOL…. But you know what, we get paid in something better, we get paid in HUGS and KISSES!


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