Farmer’s Wife QAL Block N

It’s time for block N in the Farmer’s Wife QAL

Block N is the 4th block on row 3 of my layout, it’s #38 in the book and is named Four Winds.

It’s on page 165 and 44, on page 44 starts the letter where the farmer’s wife says YES to the question again about “would you want your daughter to marry a farmer?” The letter I/we read under the “corn and beans” block (block H) but what struck me this time, was the mobile teaching for the children and it mentioned a circulating library! I had that too growing up in Denmark! I went to a rather large school and we had a good school library, but maybe once a week or every other week, a library BUS would park right outside the school, I always loved to go in there, a tiny bus with shelves all over, so there was a limit to the books of course, but it was like a treasure trove, to go in there and find a book and lend it! (Now I think I did get fined a few times because, you’d have to wait a long time if you missed the bus coming the week your books were due back! so maybe I just browsed) The bus came from the main library in the city and in 6th grade I changed schools (because I was bullied) and I started attending a private school in the city where I took the city bus to school every day, then some days I’d walk or take the bus down to the BIG library and it was HUGE!! I think it was 3 or 4 floors, the children’s library was a whole floor by itself and it wasn’t just a small room but HUGE and had a wing or a turn too. I remember my favorite sections and also that I asked for help or pulled out those drawers with the dewey decimal system to find my book- I don’t remember now how I did it and how I found my books, but that’s something my kids will never learn, I don’t think they even know that there’s a number on the spine of the book and the library still sorts the books that way but it’s just easy to google it or look it up on the library computer! Here in our little town, the library used to be an old house, then eventually they built a community college and with it came a big library, it’s very pretty but not HUGE like in my home town, but we’re in a town, not a city! It’s still a nice big library, though I’ve gotten kicked out of it once for not wearing a mask! and it was maybe a year ago, not really during the height of Covid, but when most places were open but masks were encouraged I think, anyways, I had no mask on and there were maybe 3 other people in the library so I kept my distance, but 2 librarians chased me down and basically kicked me out (though they did let me check out the books but I had to stand in the hallway outside and wait for them!) I’ve been back since then, but stayed away for months! Enough about libraries, huh?? Let’s get sewing!

This block has a lot of tiny pieces

with light blue cut out 4 of shape #2 and 16 of shape #5

with medium blue cut out 24 of shape #5

with black cut out 8 of shape #5

with grey cut out 8 of shape #5 and 4 of shape #2

how sew together a bunch of small HST’s

4 with light blue and grey

4 with medium blue and grey

12 with medium blue and light blue

 and 8 with medium blue and black

then I like to sew the block into quadrants

and then each quadrant is turned and the block looks like this!

I think that will look great as a BIG block!!

If you have made the block or previous blocks, link up below

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