It’s time for block J
Block J is block #25 in the book which is called Cups and Saucers and it’s on page 152 and page 84
This block is only 2 colors
with medium blue cut out 4 of #3, 8 of #4, 1 of #1
and with black cut out 4 of #3 and 16 of #5
Make 4 large HSTs with the #3 triangles and 8 flying geese with the #4 and #5 triangles
sew 2 flying geese together (4 times)
then sew the rows together
and this is how the block looks, very simple but also striking I think! I could totally see this in a BIG quilt.
What struck me when I read the letter on page 84 and 85 is the pride these women have it hard work by being a farmer’s wife. Who really takes pride in their work nowadays? Most people work 9-5 but it’s just a J.O.B. it’s just a pay check, it’s just health insurance, 401K etc…. But is there pride in the work, people are often JUST a number, can be fired for any reason, or the opposite where they CAN’T get fired but really they are NOT a good worker at all, but would cost too much to fire that person (Government or schools or colleges??) I think the people who take more pride in their work, are anyone who creates something! if you made something with your hands, you have something to show for it, a farmer, an artist a carpenter etc…. there’s something neat to be said about a job where you work with your hands and make something, it’s tangible, it’s visible, it’s there!!
Link up below if you made this block or previous ones