Fabric bowls are fun

I was talking to someone about leftover binding strips last week (was it Joan at Moosestashquilting?)

anyways, I got the idea to use the strips to make a coiled basket and wondered if it would work or be too thick?

Finally I got my helper to do the important job of sorting the colors- I picked BLUE.


Here’s my blue pile!


Now all my binding strips were already folded and ironed to I wrapped it around the cording with the raw edges being covered.


Then set to work using a zig zag stitch and blue thread.


I ran out of bobbin thread in the middle, so here’s the progress before I started curving/tilting the bowl in the machine


and TADA! after one bent needle the bowl is done!

(I had different lengths of cording and this one was almost running out and I decided to stop before I got into the really light blues)


I forgot how fun these are, I want to make more!



Have you ever tried to make these?

7 thoughts on “Fabric bowls are fun”

  1. I've never tried, but it looks fun. Some day I will give it a try. Thanks for inspiration.

  2. Nicole Beadwright Campanella

    This is great!. I love the effect. Very pretty.Nicole/Beadwright

  3. Podunk Pretties

    Your helper picked some very pretty fabrics, nice job…both of you!

  4. these bowls are very popular here in the UK Helen Deighton has bought a book out which is pretty amazing and the technique has been shared on our create and craft show where the book keeps selling out

  5. Tu-Na Quilts

    I made several many years ago but hand stitched them together through the fabric fold instead of machine stitching. I bought yards and yards of cording to make more..lots more but never did. I just might have to dig it out again.

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