Expanding again and organizing

I’m expanding again!

Well, you see this shelf on the side of my room, I FELT like I needed another shelf next to it (blocking the window but that’s okay)

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So of course hubby RIGHT away went upstairs and disassembled a set of shelves and brought it down and I wiped them down and we put them together

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The girls quickly found out it was a cool jungle gym!

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But not for long! I refolded my fabrics and expanded the collection, I had 9 piles before, now I have 14!

White, beige, yellow

Orange, red, purple, pink

Blue, light blue, teal, green

Brown, grey, black

The shelf in the middle on the left has my bobbin winder and bobbins and templates for long arm quilting.

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And my thread rack had fallen down so hubby fixed that TOO!! what a guy Smile

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And can’t forget the pin cushions! I think I want some sort of shelf behind there to have a tiered showcase of them.

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I’ve been working on a secret project and long arm quilting a customers quilt which I won’t show yet Smile

But I can show this Women of the bible block in progress! it’s teeny tiny!

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And we said goodbye to Gwen, going back to Singapore for her doctorate, her family left Thursday and didn’t get home until today or last night Singapore time, it took them 4 days!!


10 thoughts on “Expanding again and organizing”

  1. sounds like a family effort xx even if some of the help was not sooo productive xx That's a LONG journey .. glad it wasn't me!!

  2. I love organizing. It is fun! My son ifs living in Singapore. He loves it there!

  3. I wish Gwen safe travels. E-X-P-A-N-D-I-N-G! Oh, my. But so nice your hubby was quick to assist. Can't wait to see what the surprise is.

  4. I wish Gwen safe travels. E-X-P-A-N-D-I-N-G! Oh, my. But so nice your hubby was quick to assist. Can't wait to see what the surprise is.

  5. SewMisadventurous

    I love that the girls found a way to play on those shelves, and hope Gwen also gets home safe and sound and quicker than her family. This surprise you've been teasing us with? it was in that box wasn't it? that box has been driving me nuts since you posted about it.^_^

  6. MooseStashQuilting

    Nothing inspires me more than cleaning and reorganizing my sewing area. What a fun jungle gym the kids had for a short while! Who knows, they might just entice you to sew faster so they can get their playground back! LOL!!

  7. We made it back safe THANKS EVERYONE!! Come visit whenever!!Bea – hey try to make sure that by the time I go back to visit your craft room won't have taken over the whole house? ;P

  8. Totally off topic but….how do you have your machine wired? It looks like the wire comes from above in the photo. Would love to know:)

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