EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday–EQ stitch baby quilt


This week’s EQ Tutorial is to show how you can easily modify embroideries from EQ Stitch and create this CUTE baby girl quilt

baby embroidery

Once you have EQ stitch installed a few buttons change on the top bar.

Under Libraries there’s a STITCHING library


Select the BABY section and add all 12 blocks to sketchbook


Now under the sketchbook you’ll see them under stitchings

(I already colored mine pink)


And on the quilt page you’ll see the green butterfly stitching button


pick a block to modify and now it’s centered on the block with a drawn outline


Under the stitch tab you can see the thread colors

and stitch kind, click the thread paintbrush on the right to pick another thread color


the green butterfly button on the right is the FILL button


You can change the TYPE of fill stitching.

You may think it doesn’t matter THAT much, and on this binkie it may not, but if there’s a design ON TOP of other stitching then you want the stitching to go in another direction


Like this rattle, you can see different kinds of stitching on top and next to each other


You can also change the density and direction of the stitching and if you are in doubt what stitching you used on one part, click the “find fill pattern” a little dropper on the top.

Then click the part you want to find out the fill pattern out.

It will show the TYPE, angle and density


Some shapes also look good with outlined stitching

In the same way you can change the type and density of these.


so play around with the 12 blocks and add to sketch book

I created a plain layout with sashing.

7” blocks and 2” sashing

(Most “domestic” embroidery machine can embroider 4-5” squares so keep that in mind and leave a little space around each.

You could also have the embroidery inside another block like a log cabin or a diamond block with a diagonal setting… just ideas


Now go to layer 3

click the insert embellishment button


Use SHIFT and drag to insert a block and insert each block


You can use the adjust button and select each block to move them around or re-size or manually change them.

since it’s embroidery I wasn’t too concerned about it being centered or the “perfect” size, since I just want to see what it will LOOK like


Here’s the quilt again, finished size is 37” x 46” so not too big and not too small, perfect for a baby Smile

baby embroidery2

If you have done something similar to this and used EQ stitch! Link up and show everyone!!

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