EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday–Chinese coin quilt


On the Electric Quilt facebook group, we’ve been discussing strip quilts like the Chinese coin quilts, so SUE this tutorial is for you! Smile

This is my easy way of creating the Chinese coin quilt


First you create a new quilt ; Quilt/New Quilt/ Vertical strip quiltimage

Then select Pieced blocks and I had 7” wide and also chose 7 blocks.


Then you ADD a strip and kept it plain and just 3” wide


For row 3 instead of doing another row and selecting 7 blocks again go back to row #1 and click the “clone the selected strip” and THEN click add and VOILA! it will be the same as row 1


Now go to row 2 and clone that as row #4 etc and continue until you have 7, ending with a row that has blocks.

(If you want every other row or column to be wider, just go back and change that once the rows are done)

I then added a 3” border and another outer border


I then created a striped block and picked some fabrics and colored the block


Here’s the finished quilt with different fabrics


If you wanted a more randrom look, you can leave the blocks blank and then on the rows select 20 blocks or whatever number you want, then color it randomly like this

( changed the length of the main quilt to 45” so each block is 2 1/2” tall)


Now if you want more than 24 blocks, you have to change the settings (Thanks Cathy for fixing that for Sue and reminding me to add it in here)

click on quilt/quilt table options


Under layout options and ALL styles, under maximum number of blocks horizontally and vertically, change it to 100 (default is 24)


Now you can have 99 blocks IF you wanted Winking smile


I hope this tutorial helps.

If you make or have made a Chinese coin quilt in EQ, link up below.

Have fun!

No one linked up last time, so I can’t feature anymore.

4 thoughts on “EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday–Chinese coin quilt”

  1. Thanks, Bea. I'll bookmark this, everything is all together instead of being stretched out over several days like the facebook projects. Cathy C

  2. Thanks for all the great info.! I will also bookmark & go directly to EQ 7 to do while fresh in my mind. I would link up, but do not have a blog. Have a great week & try to stay warm

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