EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday–Borders

Inspiration comes from lots of places and I read a blog recently and thought her border was so neat, so it made me think about doing a tutorial on borders.

I’m often guilty of just smacking a plain border or two on a quilt and call it done! but often quilts need more!


I’ve made a tutorial on auto borders before here

Here I’ll show other border options.

Start with a quilt in EQ, here I have a simple boy colored quilt


it looks fine just like this but the border IS kind of plain!

Blocks are 8” so the middle is 32” x 40” without the borders.

The first border is 2”

If you go under the borders tab and select the first border and it’s 2” at the top it will show what the size is WITH this border now.


here it’s 36 x 44, both numbers are easily divisible by 4” because the blocks are 8” and the inner border is 2” on two sides.

So if I chose a second border to have blocks that are 4” and the width is 4” then it would need 9 blocks at the top and bottom and 11 on the sides (it already adds the corners)

There’s so many border options on the drag down menu, here I chose blocks


and chose 9 and 11 for the number of blocks



Now you can pick some simple blocks to add in there or just color them as simple squares.


here is just a simple four patch


and an alternate diamond block


just by changing the colors around a bit the look is completely different


Now let’s try something different – under the border option you have points in and out




There’s also bi and little point out (or in)


Tiles on point


half drop double diamonds


there’s more fun options!

just play around with them and have fun!

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