EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday- serendipity blocks

EQ7 tutorial Tuesday!

Serendipity blocks

Ever played with the new “serendipity” feature in EQ7??

it’s a lot of fun!

There’s a LOT of pictures on this post.

First start a new file- I named mine serendipity.

Then add a bunch of simple blocks to the sketchbook.

Go under BLOCKS, at the top select BLOCK/ serendipity and whatever option you want, I chose MERGE block

You will get a box with your blocks from your sketchbook on both sizes.

Play around with both right and left side and don’t forget to ADD to sketchbook!

I kept adding the same block into itself a few times, a cool effect!

Here you can see how it started 🙂

On this block I had to CLICK in the block in the middle to choose WHERE to put the merging block.

Here’s my merged blocks in the sketchbook. READY to play!

You know I LOVE blue, so I colored this block in all blues.

here’s what a quilt looks like with the block, kind of busy!

I added sashing and borders to calm it down a bit 🙂

Now another option under serendipity is KALEIDOSCOPE

here’s a four patch turned into a “kaleidoscope” block

Now this is COOL!

a star block looks cool too

and this funky star block

I created this funky star block as a whole quilt.

Don’t know WHY I picked brown and yellow, DON’T like those colors. oh well.

after playing around with colors a bit- MUCH BETTER!

Here’s another serendipity block- FRAME a block, pretty simple, like an attic window

another fun option is TILT a block

you can adjust the TILT degrees.

Here I added my fun block serendipity block

Addingthe shoo fly block

then I FLIPPED every other one and played with more BLUES!

Another option is CLIP and FLIP, if the block is symmetrical on both X and Y axis, nothing will happen

But looks at the little icons below and click the different options, this one is kind of fun!

Hey, I know this one!!

Now look at the 8 pointed star block, this is kind of fun too

Or this other funky star block

taking a more complex block, makes the result very complex too

The 8 pointed star modified block looks like little beaks or ribbons in a quilt!

another option is shrink and flip, not much change on a symmetrical block

but this funky star is kind of fun like this

Now the tilted blocks give a preview of how a big quilt would look

Another option is to CREATE a star

You can change the numbers of points

the four X block turns into a cool block

this one is fun too

Here I created a block with two alternate star blocks

Then colored then like icicles- my favorite color- BLUE 🙂

Now GO play with the serendipity tool and LINK up!

8 thoughts on “EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday- serendipity blocks”

  1. If I had EQ,this would be super fun to play with 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  2. Super great post, Bea. Seredipity is one of my fave things to play with in EQ. I've never tried woring with 'frame', though, so will have a go at that one. Thanks for great pics to explain what you did.

  3. Awesome tutorial Bea! Love the results and the wintry blues… Thanks for sharing Ãœ

  4. What a great post Bea and love all the examples you showed! Thanks for sharing.Freemotion by the River Linky Party Tuesday

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