EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday- scrappy spider web quilts

This weekend I got a new laptop and it of course takes some time to convert everything over and now my EQ7 doesn’t want to activate, but I managed to get EQ6 working, so I’ll be showing that today.


I was looking at pinterest to get ideas for this tutorial and then found several spider web quilts.

If you search of SPIDER in EQ, a few odd blocks may come up, but NOT what we need.

Instead I looked under SIMPLE blocks and added these to the sketchbook;

Arkansas snowflake and The Priscilla


If you edit the Arkansas block you get this


I added diagonal lined on the corners and also deleted the lines that created a sort of 9 patch to create this

Then ADD to sketchbook as you’ll need this for printing templates/blocks.


Then comes the FUN part

I then started drawing lines outside the star shape like this, It doesn’t matter if they are not the same width or precisely straight.


after you’ve filled the whole block it looks like this and you can color it in


maybe color it like this?


and this is what a quilt would look like


If you then edit the Priscilla block


and by adding lines in the middle and removing the 4 small lines in the middle, it looks like this


Then add the spider web lines like before


and in a quilt it looks like this


for printing I added the PLAIN block in the corner, selected it and chose PRINT foundation papers


If it’s 7” and under it should print on one page


and 6.5” for the other block


Then it’s easy to print and add your own strips 🙂

Have any of you tried this?

link up below

3 thoughts on “EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday- scrappy spider web quilts”

  1. Neat! I think you can use one of your Go dies to cut this as well. (Didn't we talk about that once?) I will have to remember this as the spider web in on my short list!

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