EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday – Orange peel continued


someone from the electric quilt user FB page asked for help designing this quilt that was a free design


First, the quilting lines are “deceiving”, the blocks are ON point, not straight.

I didn’t find the block in EQ so create a new 9” block (or anything divisible by 3)

use the easy draw block

I had the grid ON and set the grid and snaps to 18


I drew the first petal 3” in and going 3” down


then copied and pasted those parts


Now with 3 petals in a row, I selected all of them by drawing a box around them with the pick tool and copying and pasting it again.


Then I selected BOTH of these and copied and turned them 90 degrees


and moved them into place


looking at the picture, each petal is a different 30s fabric, so I tried to color with those fabrics from the EQ library and added to sketchbook


then added to an on point quilt layout with 9” blocks


looking at the picture I think the sashing looks like 3” wide, so let’s add that


Now to get the star on the sashing you have to make a 3” x 9” block and add the triangles to the ends



Now add that to the layout

but flip one row as it inserts them all the same directions like this


here is the layout all done


If you want to try this tutorial, link up below with your finished EQ project

3 thoughts on “EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday – Orange peel continued”

  1. Searchfamilies

    Can this be downloaded to EQ or is it only on here on your blogreally like itHugs Janice

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