EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday- optical effects


I was looking at old tutorials and I did one post for a review of the quilt design book

and one is an optical effect!

I won’t copy it exactly, but you’ll get the idea and it’s a lot of fun!

Start a new project and right away start with a new block and make it 20” x 20” and also the grid and snaps at 20 each


now create a symmetrical grid



add to sketchbook!

then work on quilt and click Quilt/ create quilt from block


and you’ll see a pop up, make the quilt any size you want, I picked 40×40


add to sketchbook and close

now when you open the sketchbook and click the quilt tab on the left, the new quilt is there!


now you can start filling in the quilt with fun blocks


it’s best to use a simple block I think and repeat it


now it’s time to color it


You can do so much with layouts like this, this was just one version, I’m sure you can come up with more! Smile

Have fun

and BTW I’ve been doing tutorials for EQ7 for almost 5yrs now!!

There’s going to be some changes soon!!

6 thoughts on “EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday- optical effects”

  1. Marlene @ KISSed Quilts . com

    Love this! Would have made my Rondure so much easier to draft. I used custom.

  2. You're just so smart Bea, thank you and do keep on giving us wonderful ideas!

  3. Another wonderful tutorial. The quilt designs you show are great and now I know how designers do it!

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