EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday- log cabin fun


I was looking at my old EQ files and don’t think I’ve shown some of my log cabin quilts.

This one is a fun rainbow one I designed a long time ago and it’s easy to create in EQ!


What makes it COOL –apart from the rainbow colors of course- is that the log cabin is off center!

If you search for log cabin under the block library you’ll find a lot of blocks!

here’s just a few, this one is the bottom right one called off center 6 log cabin.


Once you add it to your sketchbook and then in a layout it looks like this (a 8 x 8 layout)


then start turning the blocks, starting in the center


and it looks like this


Then I also started coloring from the center and out by selecting the spray can and just coloring one block at a time.


Once you have reached the maximum slots on the EQ palette and you have continued coloring but need to start over, then select the eyedropper and continue -if you forgot the color order Smile

There’s so many fun ways to color!


If I wanted to now change the colors, I would use the spray can again and hold down CTRL and start coloring, maybe I just wanted a few colors or a different order….

Here I started from the center again and started with black going to grey and white


and on the outer blocks I did the same starting with the color on the other side of the black


Then I picked 3 yellows and continued on both “ends” and only did the darkest yellow once and then reversed the order



a totally different layout!


It’s just fun to play around with and if you don’t like it, then start over Smile

Try it out!

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