EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday- Illusion quilt


This time I want to show a fun “Illusion” quilt with just two blocks.

a “garden patch” block and a snowball block

First search for a block using “garden”

and you’ll find these. and pick the second one highlighted.


then search for snowball and find the 9 patch snowball here


Then let a layout to be 9” blocks and I chose a 5 x 6 layout


Now insert the blocks by alternating them into the quilt layout (Holding sown ALT while clicking)


Then color it in your favorite colors



I then added a 2” inner border and another 4” border with just strips (the math won’t work out to be a perfect 2” but this was just for looks.


Now if you are finished coloring one quilt, it’s super easy to go and change the colors with the spray can and holding down CTRL and just clicking away, even on the border.



So why did I do a pink and blue quilt???

well…… yesterday I had an ultrasound and guess what it is!


forgot to add this “normal” baby shot

2015-07-06 002

So will I be making a blue quilt or a pink quilt?

9 thoughts on “EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday- Illusion quilt”

  1. Podunk Pretties

    I love the illusion of curved piecing because I don't love curved piecing. The ultra sound is another great illusion, I can never see anything that even closely resembles a baby. So I'm going to play it safe with my guess, are you having twins? one of each!

  2. It always amazes me when you get the curved look without a single curve in the quilt! I am guessing you are having a girl?

  3. I am terrible with those ultrasounds, sorry. I will guess a girl too. Your quilt will be wonderful in either color scheme.

  4. make your quilt green and yellow and eat well, don't smoke or drink to excess and hope for a healthy baby! Carole in SC

  5. We call this combination of blocks "Tennessee Waltz"I'm going to say…. Boy! ?

  6. Congratulations on the new baby, making blue works for a girl also but pink will not work on a boy. But look at it this way you will have a pink quilt to give away when one of your friends has a baby girl. Enjoy the pregnancy.

  7. I hope you have twins 🙂 I've always wanted twins. Make a quilt in each color

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