EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday- How to make a flying geese wreath

EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday

How to make a flying geese wreath (block)

I’m going to show you how to make this cool flying geese in a wreath block like this one

first you have to be under BLOCKS, select BLOCK / new easy draw + patch draw

be on the “applique” tab at the bottom

now select the flying geese tool on the left and also notice the Contour and style at the top- leave those at the default right now, you can always play with those later

with the flying geese tool selected, draw a line, don’t worry that it’s wobbly, mine was!

When you let go of the mouse button THIS appears! cool :-)

Now you can go and while it’s selected, click the different styles or contours and it will change what you drew already.

Toward the top, click the “convert to path” icon.

Nothing really changed, except the options on the top bar, now you see a WREATH button appear again.

(You may want to add to sketchbook now if you want to revert back)

with ALL the flying geese selected, click the WREATH button (if you de-selected the geese just “draw” a large square around it to select them all or hit CTRL+A)

Under the wreath maker you can pick how many clusters you want and spacing and size.

I picked 4

this is my result 🙂

then I colored it and make it into a quilt

Link up with a wreath you’ve made in EQ7 from “scratch” – flying geese, hearts, circles, flowers etc.

7 thoughts on “EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday- How to make a flying geese wreath”

  1. Way cool. I do so love the wreathing feature and the swath tool in EQ7. Possibilities are endless.SewCalGalwww.sewcalgal.blogspot.com

  2. Boo Hoo, I have EQ6 and I don't have some of those options. I guess I just need to order EQ7. It is still a great tutorial. I can see I have much to learn about EQ.

  3. I have never played around on the applique tab. I will have to go see what I am missing -when I have the time.

  4. This is one of my fave parts of EQ7. Love the wreath maker. I'm off to do errands, but will try your tute when I get back home.

  5. this is so cool! I have had EQ 7 for awhile now but have not done much with it. I am currently doing all the lessons so that I can officially learn and use it. This is a great tutorial and I am going to do it now! Thank you for sharing.

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