EQ7 tutorial Tuesday- Houses for DoyouEQ


This month’s challenge on Doyoueq is HOUSES

(If you haven’t seen this site before, look around and JOIN the challenges, you can make the quilt as hard or easy as you’d like and at the end, when the challenge is over, you get a link to ALL the projects and can download and get inspired by all of them!- a great learning tool)

In EQ I search for a block with the note HOUSE and 49 popped up

(ha a light house and crazy house block is there too)


there are some really intricate houses too!


Here’s what I added to my sketchbook


-schoolhouse frame


-little red school house (actually looks a LOT like the GO! die I have- though that’s applique)

-house with fence


Let’s play with them in order

the bird house would need an on point layout


Here’s a simple layout


It needs some simple blocks in between.

This one with “priscilla”


and colored in


again I just hold CTRL and click on the white background and everything gets colored in


Let’s try another block

The school house frame needs to be merged with another block,

under the BLOCK page, click BLOCK, serendipity and merge blocks

(I think this is only an EQ7 option btw)


you’ll see this pop up


On the left, select the school house frame block and on the right, any block you want inserted, and click add to sketchbook


If a block goes in there sideways, just click on the inserted block and it will turn around


Back to the quilt layout, create a new horizontal layout, I did a 5 x 6 layout and added a 2” sashing


and colored in with the spraycan and CTRL


Now the other schoolhouse block I thought of the 12 months of the year and colored them to sort of match each month


and this version


Now the house with fence, I did a horizontal layout and 1 x 1 with a 20” block


I used the random recolor tool and selected to match to fabrics


here’s the result


Then I added a border of blocks 5 blocks and 4” wide (to match up with the 20” house block)


then I added pinwheel blocks all the way around


and picked 2 colors on the block that did NOT touch the edges, with the eyedropper and colored them in with the spraycan and CTRL again.


Now the quilt is 28”, again 2 and 4 goes into 28 and so does 7 and 14

I don’t like to make 7” blocks, that’s just kind of odd, so around round of 4” blocks Smile

Now this


not really loving that last border, maybe switch around and just add a 4” plain border on the inside and the pinwheels on the 2 border.

Easy fix

On the border tab click delete on border 2 (already there)

then INSERT and insert a 4” border, then go forward to border #2 and add more blocks to have 7 on each.



hmm the inner border is kind of too thick, so go back and change to 2” wide and reduce the blocks on the 2nd border to 6 x 6

MUCH better


How about some trees on the outside?

the size now is 32, which is not ideal, if we make it so it’s 36” then we can add 6 blocks that are 6” around or at least at the top and bottom.

so we need another border that’s 2” like #1

on the border tab, select CLONE on border #1 and click ADD

and VOILA!



back to the border tab

unselect ALL on the right and just have T+B selected


move the bar on the TOP to 6” (the bottom will follow) and move L and R to the left to 0

then select BLOCKS and add 6


search for tree under blocks


and add the apple tree to sketchbook

I thought it looked a little squashed, so I modified it


Now the tree on the block bugs me that it’s not symmetrical….

Of course then I had to recolor everything (when you move lines that are part of the block it resets the colors)


Then I added another 2: border and it’s done!


I’ll submit this one to EQ and maybe the birdhouse one too Smile

Have fun!

If you have made layouts with houses in EQ or even made a house quilt, link up below

No-one linked up last time, maybe I should start HIGHLIGHTING previous ones on the next post? so if you link up here, I might feature you next time? I see people doing it and never thought of it until now- duh! Winking smile

2 thoughts on “EQ7 tutorial Tuesday- Houses for DoyouEQ”

  1. seeing what you are doing with EQ7 makes me really want to buy it still trying to justify it though as it is quilt pricy

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