EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday- block review- nine patches


I got this idea to highlight or review certain blocks and “play” with them in EQ7 to inspire you to look at blocks differently, not just HOW they come in EQ Smile

First is a very popular and simple NINE PATCH!

If you search for nine patch in EQ


You’ll get 49 different blocks (at least I did)


Let’s add some simple and popular ones to sketchbook

uneven nine patch

nine patch

double nine patch

frames nine patch


I started with a 5 x 7 quilt layout and added the double nine patch to every other block, by holding down ALT and clicking on the first block


Leaving the other blocks blank and coloring in the blocks and removing the lines from the blocks and patches,(tutorial about that here) You’ll get this.


Going back and adding the nine patch in the empty blocks and coloring it in, you’ll get this


and this is a new ON POINT layout


or this layout is BABY BLOCKS and I only used the double nine patch block


How about the variable block layout


Let’s try the uneven nine patch in a traditional layout


I like to go into blocks and “edit” the block and see what size it is,

here it’s 4” so an even number of inches is good, as the standard 9” makes the rotary cutting, kind of weird.


on the layout tab I changed the block size to 8” and adding 2” sashing


now color it in


after coloring it in, it’s totally different


make the sashing different, it’s a new look


or a different way of coloring it


Now the frames nine patch, lends itself to sashing too and by looking at the block it’s divided into 5’s so I made the blocks 10”


coloring that is simple


Doing a scrappy version is very traditional looking now


What do you think?

Try to design a nine patch quilt any way you want with the blocks in EQ and upload.

I’ll have a little “something” to give away

-one of these strip packs (they are different width, just something FUN to play with!

2014-08-18 001

MUST LINK up to qualify Smile

I’ll pick a winner Next Tuesday.

1 thought on “EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday- block review- nine patches”

  1. Connie Kresin Campbell

    Great tutorial and information Bea! You really know how to use EQ!

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