EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday- striped tumbler quilt

EQ7 tutorial Tuesday

Striped tumbler block

(having a block be your “fabric”)

I woke up on Christmas Eve with this idea 🙂

I LOVE my Go! cutter and especially love my FUNKY dies

One favorite is the TUMBLER block.

I’ve seen many quilters make tumbler blocks with strips of fabrics and I want to make one too, but wanted to sketch out what it would look like first.

Here’s my idea.

first start a ONE patch quilt and go under LAYOUT and pick Trapezoid (H)

If you want to match the GO! 6″ die, move the bars to the right size to 6″ and 6 1/2″ ( I did the width 6 1/2″ just because it looked better) it doesn’t really matter too much, it’s just for visual purposes.

ALSO, do Quilt, New quilt and horizontal layout.

Now search for RAIL

I liked the rail block with 5 stripes.

Add that to sketchbook

Now pick what fabrics you want.

I picked blacks, white on black and black on white

On the horizontal layout I added 4 rail fence blocks and colored them all different.

Then click each block and EXPORT imagine, name them rail1, rail2 etc or whatever you want 🙂

before you hit okay again, you get this box

have the size be 6″ x 6″

and UN select the boxes to outline patches and blocks and hit OK

 Now go to fabric library and IMPORT from file

find your pics.

Mine are under YOUR DOCUMENTS/ My eq7/ Images

and don’t forget to ADD these to sketchbook

The “fabric” may look like a normal fabric, but once you color with it, the stripes will show up, here it’s the last 4 in my sketchbook

Here’s some layouts I made- don’t know WHY the blocks in the corners all white

Now you can also go and FLIP the blocks so the top fabrics are at the bottom.

3 thoughts on “EQ7 Tutorial Tuesday- striped tumbler quilt”

  1. Annette Schultz

    Happy New Year BeaI am trying out your tut ( looks fun ) and I am stuck on the export part of the images … not sure what and where to do this. I am still learning with the eq. I'll dig out my book to try on my own but any help would be great. thanks.in stitches

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