EQ Tutorial Tuesday, Nov Doyoueq challenge


Do You EQ??

Do you do the EQ Challenges too??

This month’s challenge is to ALTER a block,

and actually I was stumped as to what to do with this tutorial, so this is perfect!

this time I’m writing the tutorial AS I’m doing it, where normally I do something “neat” and then think of a tutorial to show how I did it.

Let’s find some traditional blocks.


I added a “priscilla” block- Hey I just did that block in the bible quilt I was working on, duh! why didn’t that click that it was a category here.


variable star


and some more simple blocks


under 02/ contemporary pieced


That’s enough for now

look in the sketchbook and pick a block to ALTER, then click EDIT


I did the priscilla block and quickly drew lines down the middle and across the middle


I want something MORE though to make it “different”

How about lines at a diagonal


Let’s color it and see what it looks like

it’s cool, add it to sketchbook, but let’s try MORE- though I might go back, we’ll see


from the diagonals intersecting the triangles I drew lines toward the center


and in color.

a BIT much maybe, let’s go back and DELETE some lines


use the pick tool and select the lines and hit DELETE




and in color

I like this A LOT


Let’s turn it into a quilt


now this block would be tricky to piece


but if I drew a line back in the middle it would be fine

it would split it into more pieces, but doable


now with the other block as an alternate it looks good too


look how funky THAT block wants to print!


This is how to “fix” it.

Click the START over button

then click one quadrant of the block and click GROUP


keep doing that with the remaining 3 quadrants

How click the PREVIEW button


Now it shows triangular sections


click CLOSE and go back and it shows the sections now, if you want to number them you can re pick these triangular sections and click the sections in ORDER to number them


here you see the numbering, do you see how the middle triangles, the trapezoid shape has a different number on some of them.


go back to >sections and select “ I want to number myself” and START over


and it prints without numbers


OR you can go under numbering and START over there and number them in order, you’ll see the cursor turn into a “#” sign just click in the right order and finish before printing.


under OPTIONS you can select “print as many as fit” great for applique, but have that unchecked for FPP otherwise you can’t move the pieces on the screen before printing

This way wouldn’t be good to print.


click the MOVE button and move the pieces to fit on two sheets of paper

like this


have fun!!

join the challenge this month, it’s fun!!

6 thoughts on “EQ Tutorial Tuesday, Nov Doyoueq challenge”

  1. Hey, thanks so much. I have not "re-made" blocks, but sure am going to follow your tutorial and try it.

  2. I know nothing of what you are doing however I am in love with an amazing blue block and I pinned it (my very first pin!). Thank you. Creative Blue Bliss…

  3. Well this makes the Log Cabin I submitted pretty dull, but.. lemme just say this, You are such an inspiration to me. I really have concentrated on learning the applique part of EQ so much that I've pretty much ignored learning the how to create blocks and pieced part of EQ.. it's that drawing tool that bugs me the most about it, it follows my mouse around and just drives me crazy. My embroidery digitizing software use to do that as well, for some reason I guess an upgrade stopped it from doing that, but it did prevent me from learning to use that software because of that, and that's why I don't play with EQ's piecing part as much… but this tutorial makes me want to go back and maybe give it a try. Great Job Bea.. Hugs!!

  4. Susan Arnold

    Nice tutorial! I haven't played in EQ for awhile–this would give me a starting place. Love the block

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