EQ Tutorial Tuesday, Hexagons and Triangles


As you know I work a lot with the accuquilt dies.

I have been wanting to make something with the large hexagon die

and the matching equilateral Triangle

They both finish with a side that’s 4 1/4”

This quilt is just CUTE! I wanted to copy that and change the colors a bit.

GO! Island Star Quilt (PQ10290) - made with the GO! Hexagon-4 1/2" Sides (4 1/4" Finished)

In EQ7 you start with a ONE PATCH layout

and patch style is Thousand pyramids, and have the height and width be 4.25”



Now go in and color it!

I chose rainbow colors, seems like I’m on a rainbow “kick” lately



And VOILA! the whole thing is colored.


Fun and easy!

You can then right click and un click OUTLINE blocks and you won’t see the lines!

Want to try it and link up?

4 thoughts on “EQ Tutorial Tuesday, Hexagons and Triangles”

  1. MooseStashQuilting

    Well now, I am so glad I stumbled on this post. I got both of these Accuquilt dies for Christmas last year. I hadn't put them together in my mind yet…but had wondered just how I was going to stitch the hexi's together. I am no hand stitcher! LOL! Glad to see how they work with each other!

  2. WOW…I have been searching all day to find and easy way to create the Hexagon Stars quilts in my EQ7. I have just received the new Accuquilt Studio Nested Hexagon and Nested Equilateral dies. My skills in EQ7 are not that good yet, so you can just imagine after playing all day in EQ7 I find your tutorial. Thank youThank you so much…..Kath

  3. Should have known the answer would be on your blog and I should have looked here first!!! Thanks for solving my "problem" so thoroughly. My brain was getting addled trying to figure it out for myself. :-)(What's so neat is that people like you, who have such a wonderful knack for figuring out things, can post it on your blog and your gift just keeps on giving …!)

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