EQ Photo Blog Hop

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I was trying to think of something NEW with photos, photos are not something I incorporate in quilts often, but I DO want to use them more.

So I started playing around in EQ7.

First I work on BLOCKS.

Then click Blocks/ import image for tracing


I selected this picture of a bunny pin cushion that was from Nancy to Pam in my pin cushion swap.

Here there wasn’t much need to trim up the picture.


Click to fit it inside the block


Now go to the Easy Draw tab

I chose a 8” block and grid and snaps at 32 x 32


Then start drawing lines around the grid.

I wanted to create a EPP block with this.


The whole bunny is done with the outlines at least. now it’s time to fine tune it Smile


Let’s see how this looks to print.


Nope, not working! it needs more lines


Better but not quite right still


Here I deleted some odd lines and extended others.



Here I kept simplifying it


Pretty good except I don’t like the triangle in the middle, but that’s fixable!


I realized that the line in the middle of that triangle could be eliminated


after I removed that one it looks MUCH better


Let’s try and color it

That looks pretty cute!


Let’s print it ( I moved a few of the pieces over to the 2nd page)


When I do EPP, I still click on the rotary cutting directions and get a good idea about how big to cut and often cut 1/4” larger than that and more if it’s a triangle.

No need to print these, just copy them down or read and cut Smile


Here’s my finished block (forgot to flip the block)

2014-04-13 087

Here’s the other Bloggers on this fun blog hop

April 14th


Beaquilter (me)

Seams to be Sew

And there’s a giveaway!!

Electric Quilt is giving away

One pack of Inkjet Fabric and one copy of Digital Essentials by Gloria Hansen

enter here for your chance

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks to Carol for organizing this Smile

26 thoughts on “EQ Photo Blog Hop”

  1. Vroomans' Quilts

    I still haven't been spending much time with EQ and photo play is what I really want to use, so I am excited about this hop.

  2. Vroomans' Quilts

    There seems to be a problem with 'Seams to be Sew' site as I cannot connect.

  3. I've never played with using photos or with tracing to create an EPP block, but I will have to start now. Thanks.

  4. So sorry that Shar had a problem connecting to my site :/Anyway, nice block, thanks for the lesson Bea. 🙂

  5. Josie McRazie

    I have never used photos but I do have one pixel quilt I hope yo someday make! If I can ever get 15 different shades of tan! ;0)

  6. Great tutorial on creating paper piecing blocks. I love the idea of printing a rotary cutting chart for estimates!

  7. I have made several over the last few years for others. I think this one will be for me using pictures from our Easter get together.

  8. That was so good to follow step by step. I like the tip of using the rotary cutting chart to get an idea of the size of the pieces.

  9. Lorene Holbrook

    amazing!!! your instructions are very good. Now I am going to go play!

  10. Sandie Hrycyk

    Thanks for the tutorial on creating a pp block from a photo. I have used a photo to create an applique block but not a pp one.

  11. I am just learning to use EQ7. I have made one foundation pattern, but it was interesting to see how you did it with an image.

  12. I like to use them on labels…sometimes with a photo of the recipient. When my niece graduated from high school, I put a photo of her senior picture on the label. Turned out really cute!

  13. wow! this tutorial opened up great possibilities for making blocks…and maybe paper pieced blocks! Thanks so much! Gail

  14. Rochelle Marouski

    I love EQ7, just this year I've learned to use it more! Had it for years, kept up with the upgrades but never had time to learn, but with bloggers helping and EQ7 website, much easier now!

  15. I would like to start using photos on my quilt labels. I think they would add to the sentimental value of baby, wedding, birthday quilts and so forth.

  16. What a fun paper piecing rabbit Bea! I bet we see more like this from you, this would be cute as a pillow.

  17. You did all that in EQ7? Oh my… I am still lost in your lines lol…. need to spend more time with it I guess. Thank you so much for sharing 🙂

  18. OH! I have been searching for a tutorial on how to design a paper piecing pattern! Thank you SO much! My looming empty nest is calling me to try out new techniques. I have a series in mind and this will help! I will be sure to send you a picture when I get it done.

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