EQ fun and getting used to Live writer

So I’m getting used to Live Writer…

I’m also trying to “like” bloglovin, but I’m not loving it, I’ve been to a few blogs now where it “greys” out when I try to comment, I don’t know if it’s a blogger setting to have a pop up- which I think I have BTW.

so if you are having the same issue on mine, can you PLEASE look at my blog in blogger or whatever else you use and comment and let me know.

Also when I post here in LIVE writer, where do my pics go? before I used picasa and it hosts them there and in blogger I just opened picasa and picked my pictures. Here of course I can just pick from my computer, easy enough, just want to know if there’s a limit?

Also I heard/read something about blog lovin doesn’t allow pinterest or something like that?? don’t know

anyways…. Last night I was playing in EQ again Smile

This whole week, I’ve been opening up every EQ file I have and re-saving it as an EQ stitch file, even though it doesn’t have any stitching on it (yet) it was just annoying that when I opened the file it would name it “untitled” and if I played with it and wanted to re-save it I often forgot the original name, so this way I did it NOW so I don’t have to worry about it later, and I went back and deleted all my old EQ files (GASP)

anyways, just like fabric, when you organize it, you get inspired to make new stuff with it, I felt the same with some EQ files.

So here’s some fun!

all 19 of them !!

hmm funny it puts them in columns like this in live writer.

these two were originally designed for “flutter” fabrics by riley blake

here I tried some fun rainbow colors- I’m thinking SCRAPPY of course after I got all my scrap fabrics off the shelves

flutter rainbow stripesflutter rainbow stripes2

Or a blue/green version

flutter stripes scraps

Can’t remember the name of this one, but different versions, again I’m thinking scrappy! don’t think I have THAT much red scraps though

heart ost red1heart ost red2heart ost red3

This one I can’t remember the file name either, but I’m also trying to make something more MANLY, my husband wants a new quilt for his office, not that this would match, but I was just playing around


So pinwheels or geese on the border?




This one I forgot I had designed

kaleido flowers bright1kaleido flowers bright2

A fun kaleidoscope one in red and black

kaleido stars red black white

Now to log cabins, my husband wants a quilt that’s black and white or also grey, his new couch is lime funky green, so how about these?

log cabin green black

log cabin green black2log cabin green black3

Have you played with EQ?

(Oh how do I add “labels” to my posts here in Live writer?? oh found it, “set categories”) aha!

16 thoughts on “EQ fun and getting used to Live writer”

  1. I was glad to see your remark about commenting in Bloglovin. I've been unable to comment but now that I comment on your post, it works! Must be your magic touch!

  2. Pat from Florida

    I don't know anything about livewriter, but looks like I can still comment.

  3. Jeanne in Ohio

    I tried Blogluvin but I don't like that it's not organized. Feedly keeps all my categories. I'm still learning but I like it so far.

  4. Teresa in Music City

    I really need to get in there and play with my EQ more! Finding the time is so hard to do. Thanks for sharing and inspiring :*)

  5. Yes, comments go to a pop-up, though I'm not sure what that does in bloglovin. I seem to try reading blogs different ways, but haven't found my favourite yet… Love your EQ quilt-play, I enjoy doing that, too. It's so nice to see the different options even before you start sewing. Love the way the logcabins look.

  6. I'm like Jacque…I will have EQ one day too. Oh Mother's Day is coming up. Maybe I'll ask for it then.

  7. I love what you do with EQ. I have had it for over a year now, and just can't find the dedicated time to sit down and learn it. Each time I get in it I get frustrated and then just close it. I know it's a great program, really want to learn it one day. Keep the inspiration coming.

  8. Debbie Rogowski

    I got my first email from Bloglovin, you are the only one in it so far. It's labeled 'Your Daily Feed from Bloglovin' I get a small paragraph (and a pic)from your blog and then I can click on your name and go to your blog. The only thing I think is different at that point for me is that now it has more than one day's post on it. Before it was just the one post.

  9. All photos that I pick from my computer and use in livewriter are sent to a picasa album online. I don't ever access picasa though.

  10. The only thing I've not liked about bloglovin is how slow it sends blog updates. The blogger reader was much faster at showing updates to blogs I read.

  11. Sowing Stitches

    I'm not using bloglovin yet….I find I prefer to read updates from my blog, gfc or via email instead of using a 'blog reader'. With all the fuss and stuff I'm betting that google reader will make positive changes before July. I haven't reun into the 'gray box' issues you've mentioned…it may have been just a strange computer glitch.

  12. First… I love your EQ tips!I hope my couple of tips will help you with Bloglovin. #1. Yes you can organize the blogs just like you had to do in Reader. Click on your name (top right) then click 'Following'. There you can Create New Group and Add Blog.#2. About Pinterest… When you click on a blog it will open in another tab (window) with a bloglovin header. In that header to the right there are three icons – Facebook – Twitter – Pinterest. Or you can simply X that header closed and pin like you always do.I hope these help. I'm a new lover of bloglovin. haha

  13. I have had the same problems with bloglovin and I don't love it. I use WordPress, but it grays out blog posts that I want to bookmark in Evernote. I did some research and the top reader is actually Feedly. I have been using both and Feedly is much more user friendly.

  14. I love seeing the results of your EQ play. I haven't gone to bloglovin or feedly yet to check out.

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