EQ Appliqued Animals Blog hop Thursday


Here’s Thursday Schedule for the Appliqued Animals Blog Hop

Thursday April 25th

Beaquilter (Summer Animals)

Janesquilting (Critters and Bugs)

Seamstobesew (Summer Stuff)

Today I’m showing you a summer animal.

I had this idea for a cow! I mean what’s more summer than the smell of cows, no just kidding!

I started with some basic ovals for the head and mouth (what’s that called on a cow again?) and then a curve at the bottom and a line connecting the sides.

Fullscreen capture 452013 21605 PM

I like the “funky” shapes on the side bar, one is a tear drop so I used that for the horns, then another is a wedge shape that was great for the ears

Fullscreen capture 452013 21655 PM

Here’s the basic face of a cow

Fullscreen capture 452013 21853 PM

Of course I had to add some eyes too.

Fullscreen capture 452013 21937 PM

And made a second set smaller for the pupils

Fullscreen capture 452013 21944 PM

Then added some ovals for the nostrils

Fullscreen capture 452013 22053 PM

Here is the block all done and layered correctly

appliqued animals cow

He looks cute colored too

appliqued animals cow2

Wouldn’t this be a cute table runner!


appliqued animals cow3 runner

Here’s a pdf for a 6” block


 I wanted to show a picture of our “local” cows the “oreo” cows or rather the belted galloway cows.

Don’t forget to comment again to have a chance at winning Quilting Designs7

(US and Canada only)


I will pick a winner Monday the 29th!

Good luck

47 thoughts on “EQ Appliqued Animals Blog hop Thursday”

  1. Very Cool Bea, I like it.. and a great way to use those shapes.Marianhttp://www.seamstobesew.com

  2. How fitting, since I live on a farm with cows. Thanks. This will definitely be used. Great project!

  3. How fitting, since I live on a farm with cows. Thanks. This will definitely be used. Great project!

  4. Okay, I confess, I always think of cows as summer animals. In the summer I see them in the fields much more than in the winter where they obviously hide and huddle together.

  5. That is just the cutest little cow and what a perfect table runner! Thanks for sharing Bea!

  6. Debbie Rogowski

    He's such a cute cow, but I thought it was gonna be a girl cow. lol

  7. The cow is adorable….. I looked at the others as well and wish I had picked up on this earlier….absolutely love it!

  8. I love cows and am so glad you designed this and shared the pattern! Thank you! Thanks for the giveaway, too!

  9. That cow is so cute. I just love how everyone is turning all those shapes into such cute animals or flowers. This has been a lot of fun seeing what everyone has worked out.

  10. Cute cow! What an opportunity, limitless possibilities. deanie dot dreams at gmail dot com

  11. Great manipulation of the different shapes! Thanks for the easy to follow tutorial!!

  12. Your cow is adorable! Thanks for the tutorial and the wonderful giveaway!

  13. Cheryl Greenleaf

    You made the cow look so easy to draw. Very cute!Thank you for sponsoring this Blog Hop giveaway.

  14. Crickets Corner

    Such a cute pattern! thanks for the download! I never knew what the real name of the oreo cows was but always thought they were cute, thanks for the real name.

  15. You make drawing in EQ look so easy! Thank you for the tutorial! I am going to have to make time to practice!

  16. I'm not a huge fan of appliqué at this point, BUT this little cow is so cute, it makes me want to go make one. 🙂

  17. How can I resist this cow? Unbelievable! You make it look so easy, so now I've got to got try it, too! Thanks.

  18. Thanks for sharing the cute cow. I love using my EQ and this blog hop is inspiring me to try some fresh ideas.

  19. I'm just amazed at what everyone is making with EQ. Thanks for sharing your cow.

  20. Karen Propes

    I love cows, we raised them on our farm. Sometimes I miss that, but driving around and seeing them in pastures gives me the great feeling I get from them. They are beautiful majestic animals. Love to win a copy of this software so I can create my own designs. Thanks for the review and giveaway.ncjeepster@aol.com

  21. Just found your blog this evening. Looking forward to working through your EQ7 tutorials. I just recently got EQ7and EQ Stitch.

  22. Your cow is tooooo cute! I know a couple of cow lovers that would love something made with this pattern:-)

  23. Amy Eileen Koester

    I love the cow. Glad I discovered the blog hop today, I have to catch up!

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