EQ appliqued Animals Blog Hop and giveaway

It’s DAY 1 of the blog hop

chick block2

Here’s the schedule for today

Monday April 22nd

Seamstobesew (Summer Animal)

Freemotionbytheriver (Critters and Bugs)

Sewincrediblycrazy (Critters and Bugs)

Beaquilter (Summer Stuff)

So…. I’m doing SUMMER STUFF today

I’ll show how I took an existing block from EQ and turned it into a flower buddy Smile

I looked under Classic applique and flowers and picked this fun red flower, doesn’t the little side flowers look like arms and hands?

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So of course I had to add some eyes Smile

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and a little nose

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Then with the pencil I used a brush stroke

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Changed the contour and end cap, guess what I’m making?

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a mouth!!

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I also used the same to draw a big curve for the arms, the current “arms” just looked too stiff

I had the edge NODES go straight down and hit the same point on the grid on the block

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and then deleted the old arms

(Ha! don’t you wish you could do that in real life?

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Then I tried a fun curve for the legs

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And copied it again and mirror imaged it and removed the old leaves

I also moved the legs to the FRONT and moved them down to cover the stem otherwise it would have looked very much like a “HE!”

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So “he” changed from this

appliqued animals flower

to this Smile

He still looks like a “HE” but okay, let’s just ignore THAT!! LOL it’s a FLOWER….

appliqued animals flower3

wouldn’t that be cute as a mug rug??

flower mug rug

I made this block 6” for a mug rug

here’s the pdf

Thanks to Electric Quilt they are sponsoring this giveaway

Quilting Designs volume 7!


All you have to do is comment on this post AND the future posts this week (I’m doing 3 appliqued blocks this week)

You don’t need EQ6 or 7 to try these, you can print and sew on top of the paper or stitch without thread to create holes for pouncing or print for pantographs, there’s lots of videos to show you how!

AND over 500 designs on this CD, lots of all over designs too

Then I’ll combine the comments and draw a name on Monday the 29th (My mom’s birthday)

Due to postage I have to say it’s just for US/Canada- sorry.

Hope you have fun and look at the other bloggers!

70 thoughts on “EQ appliqued Animals Blog Hop and giveaway”

  1. This is so cute. It cracked me up. Love your happy flower applique' design.SewCalGalwww.sewcalgal.blogspot.com

  2. Love the 'HE' flower, lol. Actually this was a great tutorial and made me realize I need to look at flower appliques differently.

  3. Love your flower buddy (couldn't access the pattern though). Thanks for sharing & thanks for the chance to win.

  4. Marjorie's Busy Corner

    I find this so very interesting…thanks for such a generous giveaway

  5. How fun! I played with EQStitch last night to make a Girl/Lady embroidery. I will be looking at this post again to get some tips.

  6. The flower buddy is gonna make a cute mug rug. Great job on the EQ tutorial. Thanks for shareing with us today.

  7. I love your happy tulip. She is so ready for spring to spring. Thanks for a chance.

  8. Thanks for the tutorial on how to change a block to make it your own. What fun. Looking forward to your other blocks.

  9. The Slow Quilter

    This is a geat tutorial, the flower buddy is so funny, just love it.

  10. I love how you turned that flower into a little critter flower. Very cute. Glad to see how some are using the EQ.

  11. That's a cute flower design…I can see a whole quilt made from various flower shapes!

  12. Love your flowers character:)Am following this hop to see if I would like to invest in EQ. So far looks like fun!!!Thanks!

  13. Love the little applique guy!Thanks again for the giveaway I won last time, I am so in love with the embroidered quilt label, I don't want to use it I just want to love it! 😀

  14. Crickets Corner

    The first thing that came to mind when I saw him was 'Happy Dance!' That's what I feel like when good things happen.

  15. Linda E in AZ

    Bea,your flower "buddy" is a real cutie. Thanks for the tips on how to do this!

  16. The flower is cute. I will have to play with EQ7 and see what I can do.

  17. Jennifer Houlden

    That's a pretty cute flower dude for sure. Can't wait to see what else you have on tap for the week!

  18. It's a lovely and happy flower! Thanks for a great design! Have a nice day!

  19. That's quite a clever program. I am adding it to my list for Mother's day 🙂 I am also new to your blog and look forward to all the tutorials. I can tell I will be spending some time looking back at all of your posts!

  20. What a cheerful dancing flower! Made me smile! Thanks for sharing a tutorial!

  21. How cute! "Flower people" would make such a fun project. 🙂 This little guy reminds me of the flower scene in Alice in Wonderland!

  22. Deb@asimplelifequilts

    Very fun! Reminds me a bit of Lumiere from Beauty & the Beast with the tulip hands

  23. Thanks for the cute design and instructions!! I love doing applique and will try it in one of my designs. 🙂

  24. Hello, Your flower is cute rather a boy or girl LOL. Thanks for the giveaway!!smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

  25. Cheryl Greenleaf

    You have a great imagination!Thank you for sponsoring this Blog Hop giveaway.

  26. That is a great tutorial Bea. Thank you SO much. I am still struggling to learn EQ but your tutorials appear to be easy enough to follow with the great step by step instruction. I knew this blog hop was coming and then with all I have going on at home I totally forgot about it. I'm going to catch up on the hops tonight. I love this flower. Super cute and you made it look so easy. I have a new computer and need to install my EQ on it yet. I haven't done it because in setting it up on my other computer I created folders where I normally do and it didn't seem to like my way since it was arguing everytime I wanted to pull from a folder. ugh. I got really frustrated and unsure how to undo what I had done so the program was happy. Ok I'll shut up now. sorry for rambling.

  27. Vroomans' Quilts

    I haven't tried the drawing process on EQ – you make it seem so easy.

  28. Ditto for what SewCalGal had to say! Such a wonderfully happy flower. Thanks for the great tutorial and all your time in preparing this gift for us!

  29. Thanks for sharing. I love using my EQ and this blog hop is inspiring me to try some fresh ideas. Cute flower person.

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