End of our trip to DK

Our trip was nearing the end, Sonja got a birthday present from Dorthe- a Hand Christian Anderson book in ENGLISH 😉

 Sunday we went to a newly uncovered bridge, it was an old steel bridge that was covered in dirt back in the day because they needed a dam or a lake for a dam further up the stream and back then the price for steel was low so it was decided to just cover the bridge instead of taking it apart, because it was so long ago, the logs and data about that weren’t great so when they decided to uncover it, they weren’t sure if it was intact or still there! it was and it looked great, so they repainted it and it’s a tourist attraction now, it’s just a pedestrian bridge now but it was a train bridge in the old days.

 Here’s some more info about the bridge

 After that we went to see the kids’ daycare and school and played a bit on the playground

 Dorthe and family also live by the forest and fields so in the afternoon we went for a little walk in the woods.

 Just a little pastry snack 🙂

Sunday night we were invited to have dinner with Camilla’s parents (from the camping trip)- they were back from camping and Camilla’s mom was my sewing teacher in Elementary school! SHE started it all!! lol

we had fleskesteg, which is a pork roast with crispy rind, there was potatoes and browned (sugar glazed) potatoes, red cabbage and more, it is often a Christmas dinner in Denmark, unless you have roast duck (not turkey) it was really delicious!

 After dinner Camilla’s mom brought out an old costume Camilla had in highschool, it’s called Andrea!

 It’s from a Children’s TV show called Kaj and Andrea, I actually have puppets of these and also a set of beanie babies sort of….

Image result for kaj og andrea

Monday morning was our last day in Denmark and we just had dinner plans with some old elementary school friends but Sonja got sick! it was coming out of both ends!! not good….

We kept her hydrated and she napped a lot.

I cancelled the dinner plans and just hoped she’d be OK for the early flight home the next day.

 At night she felt better and here she’s giving Anna a goodbye hug

Tuesday morning she felt 99% better! Praise God!

I’ve been sick on an airplane and it’s NOT FUN!

 So I have to give a shout out to Delta airlines!

When we first boarded the plane from Paris to RDU, we had seats 30something in the middle, as others were boarding I noticed my TV didn’t work, it was restarting again and again and I casually mentioned it to the stewardess, she said she’d look into it…

Then some time later I asked again as it looked like everyone was on board, she asked if I was traveling alone and I told her I had Sonja with me, she then said she might be able to move us…

She came back and moved us up to Delta PLUS seats – so extra leg room! it was GREAT and the buy sitting next to us on row 30, it made his day too as he now had 3 seats to lay down on!

Also soon after takeoff, I overheard a guy on the front row talk to a stewardess and she just replied “Oh I’m so sorry but we can’t turn the plane around now” had me wondering…. then toward the end of the flight another steward had a phone and was talking to the guy and they were able to book a ticket for this poor guy to go back to Paris on the next possible plane! I don’t know what the reason was but that was GREAT customer service!

I don’t travel much, I used to travel more before kids, but I must say that this was probably the most pleasant uneventful trip I’ve ever flown!

It’s good to be home!

4 thoughts on “End of our trip to DK”

  1. QuiltShopGal

    So sorry Sonja got sick, but good to hear she was feeling better by the time you needed to board the plane. I agree nothing is worse on a trip than being sick during your flight. Overall your trip sounds wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

  2. SewMisadventurous

    Glad you're home safe & sound. Looked like a fantastic holiday, the girls will miss each other, but school starting will help with that. Your old Sewing teacher must be so proud of you.

  3. Pamela Arbour

    That was very interesting about the bridge. Thanks for the pics.I am glad you all had such a wonderful time and are home safe and sound.

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