Election Hexies

In preparation of a long night in front of the TV on election night, I prepped these hexagons.

I cut them out with my GO 1” hexagon die


And this is how many I finished at the end of the night (early morning)

I went to bed at 1.30am


The hexagons are from a layer cake from Connecting threads (with mermaids etc)

I played in EQ with some ideas for these

hexagon24hexagon 36

and this one below is what I’ll make I think Smile


I also happen to get this awesome FQ bundle from CT too, because I have a plan to make a quilt from my most pinned quilt on pinterest…..


I wanted to show this neat app/ game I got for my phone

It’s called the weaver.

You have to click on the intersections of the ribbons and it braids it and switches directions and then you have to match them up with the colored dots on the sides.

A fun game with 6 levels (I beat them all in two days) but a quick and fun one!



1 thought on “Election Hexies”

  1. Jan aka StampQn

    Does your die cut 1" hexagons? If so, what size die do you use for cutting the papers? I want to get a GO for Christmas. Thanks.

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