Drawing for sock monkey Go! kit

This evening I decided to cut out another “KIT” I have these scraps of sock monkey fabrics and matching fabrics. when I punched out the kit with my Go cutter, I figured I should do a drawing for this KIT!

details below.

This is what the quilt will look like when done.

should measure around 42″ x 48″

this is a picture of the pieces for the blocks.

The light yellow is from two similar yellows the darker yellow is from ONE fabric.

The sock monkey fabrics for the triangle are just layered monkeys and then a matching red for the other triangles, for the squares it’s randomly cut out from this light blue star fabric with the sock monkey riding a banana, they are not fussy cut, so some have no monkey, some have part of it etc, I think the randomness makes it cute.

So this is what you get!

an EQ printout of the quilt layout and one close up of the blocks.

All the pieces for the blocks, and 27″ of the stacked sock monkey fabrics,

(if you make 5 binding strips 2 1/2″ wide, the border can be 2 3/4″ with 5 strips cut out as well.

that’s up to you, how you want to cut it or use something else for the binding so you can have a bigger border.

There’s also a few extra pieces cut out for OOPSIES 🙂

Now here’s what you have to do to be in the drawing.

1) post a comment with who you would give this quilt to if you get the kit.

2) post this on your blog and or facebook and comment here that you did and then post here that you did it.

3) be a follower

posting will be due thursday at midnight ( I will draw a name friday morning and put it in the mail if you email me back with your address etc quickly)

hopefully this will get me more traffic on my blog 🙂

good luck

14 thoughts on “Drawing for sock monkey Go! kit”

  1. quiltedsquid

    Hi Quilter Bea…sock monkey quilt would be perfect for my latest nephew who's turing 1 in December. Sorry if it this posted twice.

  2. quiltedsquid

    I'm back again to let you know I posted on my blog. I'm still a newbie so it all works for you.

  3. Deborah Slager

    I would give the quilt to my nephew's little boy. His daddy is in Iraq and he could use a sock monkey hug. ~Debi

  4. I would love to win this quilt kit, to donate to one of my guild's charities – either Quilts for Kids or SafeChild. Thanks for the giveaway.

  5. erin, maker of chimes

    I'd be making it for my little dude, of course! I shared on FB and I'm a new follower of your blog 🙂

  6. I'd give it to little Dude too, of course, with his mom making it. (She has more sewing talent than me.) I shared on FB and I'm also new to your blog 🙂

  7. I'd give it to my youngest grandaughter, Emma. She is 2 and a half and loves sock monkeys.cindy

  8. Dang! I missed the deadline, but thought I would post anyway. I would probably make it for my daughter, of course. I'm so excited about appliqué! Thanks for a great class today! -katie

  9. I will be drawing a number now, accepting Katie-s comment, adding one more that couldn't comment.So Donna Sussman is #12Erin's 2nd comment is #13next time I won't do these exeptions, but since it's my first…..

  10. Okay the number was 9! who was Kell! congrats, email me your info and I will get it in the mail

  11. I would make this to give to the Crisis Center as they are in great need

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