Dr Seuss The Lorax quilt blocks tutorial, quilt along and more

I’m about done with the Lorax blocks!

I have tiny scraps of the FQs left over, but I don’t even want to make a border. I like it, the way it is.

remember it all started with this?

a FQ bundle πŸ™‚

the bundle had a panel and 9 FQs

I only washed the FQs, NOT the panel, since I haven’t had much luck with panels staying straight once they are washed.

Here’s my “pattern” – I made up as I went along

Trim panels to 7 ½” x 11” (Put one panel aside, you’ll only
need 9 panels for top of quilt)

With each FQ

Trim long side straight and short end straight, then cut a
6” wide strip on the short end. Trim to 11”. (Scrap should be 6” x 5” approx.)
Trim 11” strip in half to make two 3” strips.

Cut 4” length wise (approx. 16” strip) trim to 12 ½”, (scrap is aprrox. 2 ½” x 4”)

Cut strip in half to 2” strips.

Sew long strips to
side of panels. Iron toward strips.

Sew skinny strips to
top and bottom of panel blocks. Iron toward strips.

Block now measures 12 ½” x

Cut 4” strips on the
short end (approx. 12 ½” strips) trim to 7 ¼” and cut strip 2” wide (TWICE)

(scrap is approx. 4”
x 5”)

Sew 2 pairs of 7 ¼” x
2” together on the 2” side, iron toward darker fabric.

(If using directional
fabrics. Sew the pair together with A on top on one and A on bottom on the

Sew these strips to
sides of panel blocks with β€œdark” fabric being upper right and lower left. Iron
toward strips.

From 6” scraps cut 2”
strips twice and trim to 5”

From 4” scraps cut 2”
(6 times)

Match up the 4” and
5” strips to top and bottom, top (4”, 5”, 4”, 4”) and bottom (4”, 4”, 5”, 5”),
matching with the side strips on the blocks, the two middle pieces are random.

Sew to top and bottom of blocks and iron toward strips.

Blocks are now 15 1/2″ x 17″

Arrange blocks in a 3 x 3 layout.

Sew blocks together to make quilt top.

Top should be 45 1/2″ x 50″

I also made another fabric ball yesterday

AND…. not that I NEED another project! (how many times do I say that??)

When I showed you the women of the bible quilt from the EXPO last week, someone was nice enough to send me links to this quilt- along, starting in September.

It’s called Patterns of faith and here is the link. There’s a link on there to join a yahoo group.

You also have to purchase the pattern- I bought the EQ file πŸ™‚

Then starting in September, each week will be a small bible study/devotional about the woman in the bible who’s block you’ll make that week. I think it’ll be TONS of fun!

here’s the link to the patterns, either a printed package, a pdf or an EQ file.

Who wants to join????

2 thoughts on “Dr Seuss The Lorax quilt blocks tutorial, quilt along and more”

  1. I like the Lorax blocks. And you actually think you'll have time in Sept for a new quilt along? I'm betting you'll be doing a lot of napping.

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