Donation quilts for Kenya

I just couldn’t send Gwen off to Kenya with bringing some quilts with her!

I had several tops made that were missing backings or maybe borders, so within 2 weeks I whipped these 5 together and added binding and label.

This one is a pattern I found online about taking a jelly roll ( I cut 40 strips – I make my own jelly rolls- but they don’t all match)

you sew the ends together- here at and angle, then with this LOOONG strip you take the two ends and sew them together lengthwise and cuta piece off when you get to the end, then repeat that by folding the end up again about 8 times and VOILA! this is what you get, not the prettiest, but it’s fun and next time I’ll coordinate better and maybe sew the strips straight

quilted a curvey meandering all over it

Backing I pieced together from scraps, wanted to find kid like fabrics, and somewhat match the front, hey you get what you get….it’s okay, it’s for an orphanage.

This top is from a moda charm pack, making a disappearing nine patch, then I had just gotten the GO! and tried a flower die with it and sewed that on by machine- I don’t like machine applique!

but it’s okay

quilted a leaf vine all over it

made a scrappy backing out of yellow FQs.

This top I had made the 6 blocks and sewn them together a long time ago, I think I found the block pattern on quilters cache. the top was too small so I added this border and cornerstone ( because I was just a smidge short of the light blue fabric or was it the white?)

just a quick meandering all over

 again a pieced backing, was just a little short on the funny camo fabric so I added this green stripe.

 a nine patch scrappy quilt, got these blocks from my hinty block swap group.

 quilted a leaf vine again on this

 when else can I use an african looking fabric, than for a quilt going to africa??

these labels I made for all the quilts also

 lastly a pooh yellow brick road quilt, I had this in mind for the class I’m teaching thursday, but once I made the top I just didn’t LOVE it, it was okay, but this is an adult class I thought it was too childish.

 used a sports kids backing and added skinny blue strips to make it wide enough

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