Did you miss me?

Guess what?

We just came back from vacation last night!

We had a blast, we went to 3 different states, not counting driving thru 1 more Smile

I’ll schedule some posts for next week, this way it also gives me time to catch up on some quilty/sewing projects to show!

-Of course I DID go to a quilt store too!!

2014-07-07 031

Let me do some more laundry and get settled!

I missed my sewing machine Smile

AND I got a shipment of fabrics and goodies too while I was gone.

9 thoughts on “Did you miss me?”

  1. so glad you had a happy and safe journey.. with a little fabric therapy for good measure x

  2. Yay! I was a little worried, but am glad ya'll had a great vacation! Looking forward to next week.

  3. Glad you had a great time – but isn't it always nice to be back home in your own bed again.

  4. So glad you had a good trip and got to shop, too! And your little darling is pretty darned cute. Looks like her pretty mama.

  5. I'm glad you had a good time plus got to visit a quilt store. I didn't do that on vacation. I so know what it is like to have to get caught back up after getting home. I'm still doing that myself but I'm hoping to get back into my studio this afternoon.

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