Diaper bag done from CT

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My last order from Connecting Threads, I ordered this cute diaper bag kit

I finally finished it and I have to say I’m not loving it…

I think it’s because it’s so big, I’m more of a small purse –person… it’s still cute though, with lots of pockets.


a tie string at the top of the bag and elastic on the pockets


So I don’t know if I’ll use it or not, we’ll see…


This little cutie pie is 2months today BTW!


sometimes she’s very gassy and NOT happy, I’m cutting out dairy as much as I can and it seems to help.


4 thoughts on “Diaper bag done from CT”

  1. Remnant Quilter

    It may appeal more if you call it Retro or Vintage looking. 😉 Unsolicited grandma advice: Mylecon (sp) drops a/k/a simethicone available Wal-mart for cheap; based on 5-baby experience. You inspire me with all you get done!

  2. So sorry to hear that cutie is having issues I had one son and 5 grandchildren everyone was different. No magic do this and all will be well and good from me ….. Just hold her feed her burp her change and clean love her up and repeat and sleep when you can….Remember this will pass …. and it will be some other issue

  3. Yep those Mylecon drops do work generally. She is a little cutie. I'm not sure if I'm in love with that bag either. It's to puffy to me but then when you fill it up I guess it won't be…. but then you have to carry it. ;o)

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