Denmark trip day 8 and 9 still camping and then with my mom for a few days

Day 8 we were a bit by ourselves so Sonja and I played a round of miniature golf

 at night Camilla showed us how to play sequence and Sonja won- to the embarrassment of Camilla who always wins! (okay maybe she had a bit of help)

 The next day we went to bring my mom home and drop off our suitcases too then we went to Aalborg which I think is either the 4th or the 5th largest city in DK.

Sonja was in heaven when she found Beanie Boo’s at a toy store (but why buy American toys in DK? okay I did buy her a small one)

 Then we went to a Chocolatier store, it’s a really fancy chocolate store and we bought dessert for that evening.

We also got some hot chocolate with soft serve ice cream on top!

A lot of downtown streets in Denmark are cobble stone and only for pedestrians during business hours (deliveries are either before or after opening hours) here the stones were squares and triangles and I was thinking English paper piecing!

 our “mission” was to get a JEVA bookbag for Sonja from my mom, for Sonja’s birthday, it’s been a tradition that my mom bought the older kids a book bag like this before they started school and Solveig actually used hers from Kindergarten until 7th grade (it was only last year where she didn’t “need” it and just used a big zipped up binder as her bag) so even though this was 2 years too late, my mom still insisted and the next Monday the kids in DK started school, so we were hoping for a sale, we didn’t find a sale, more than we found empty shelves so it took 3 or 4 stores before we found the right book bag! (and for around $100! it was a bit pricey but it’s a high quality bag and the guy at the store said that the company pays extra for the best quality zippers they can get- which is only $1.50 more! but well worth it)

We did quite a bit of clothes shopping as there were a lot of sales going on. I’ve noticed a trend that I don’t see in the US, it’s these loose fitting long dresses with often long sleeves too and usually a small calico floral print, it reminded me of the little house on the prairie!

One large apartment store had a roof top with a view over the city, the weather was getting bad but it was neat to see- also see the glass under Camilla’s feet- you could see the people on the ground! – I don’t know what floor we were on, but you can tell it’s high up!

Then Camilla drove us back to my mom’s house and we had more rye bread and fish and meatballs for dinner (some pre-packaged stuff I bought earlier)

and here’s the dessert from the chocolate place, these are called cream balls!

They are sort of a marshmallow fluff filling but fluffier then a wafer cracker bottom and then covered in chocolate.

Here’s my mom’s cats btw, I forgot what this one’s name was, maybe Ozzy?

 this is Gypsy

and this is Bella

The next morning we had breakfast/brunch at a local fancy restaurant, the other lady is Lisbeth who is a county/state contact person for my mom, she’s done a lot for my mom this year and last, ever since Egon died…. she got assigned to my mom to help her with misc things, questions from the government or doctor’s appointments etc…. lots of things and I think it’s great as I’m not near by!

 we then went to another hard candy story- the same company just different location and recognize the guy?? he was in the other location two days before!

Here they are making blue strawberry candy and the pieces are cut by hand so they are triangles or large lollipops!

It started raining so we had to go, we drove down onto the beach and there were these white trailers/mini houses that’s just in this specific spot in Denmark, they are little huts owned by families and generations, there’s no power going to the houses, but it’s a place to sit in or change clothes etc. but you can’t sleep there! then every fall a truck comes and moves all the houses to storage for the winter and then brings them back in the spring time.

Oh and of course we had to get some more dessert!

they are both strawberry tarts but one with mousse instead.

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