definition of a super quilter

a friend of mine emailed me this and I just HAD to share it

are you a SUPER quilter??

super quilter

arms that are able
to carry several bolts of fabric at once

eyes that are able to spot the perfect fabric she
needs from across the room

nose for fabric…. able to sniff out a sale on

 legs that can walk many times thru the fabric

fingers  nimble enough to manuever those
tricky seams

strong wrists for ripping out those unwanted

creative organizational ability to find storage for
her stash in most unusual places

strong back for many hours working at her

I’m off to load another customer quilt on the frame, even though I’d rather sit and sew the LAST ORCA #3 HSTs only got 100 to go!! and then clue #4 is already out, yikes!! plus I need to quilt my husbands barcode quilt, I want to done by christmas! PLUS I need to make 2 owls, one for my mom and one for a neighbor- actually they have a higher priority to I will do that now!

I was wrapping more christmas presents just now and ran out of wrapping paper! we JUST bought 3 rolls at costco (nice big rolls too) and the other day my kids saw them too and wanted to make us all presents and wrap them, so they went a little NUTS wrapping all this stuff, and the other day I wrapped a HUGE teddy bear into a box that had my newest roll of batting, this bear is 53″ tall, he’s standing on his legs with arms in the air and SQUEEZED into that box, of course I had to wrap that box too- that took almost a whole roll, but it looks so cute! oh well….. I guess I will just have to go BUY more!!

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