Day #5 Saturday in Faarup

Saturday we went to Faarup which is a really nice amusement park in Northern Denmark

 The first thing Sonja did was to get her driver’s license! (so she could show that she got it before Bjorn!)- though I lost the card, but we’ll get another one in legoland!

We also all got in a water rafting ride and the waves and speed was more than normal so it was a lot of fun!

 Next Sonja got a braid in her hair and a matching bracelet

 Sonja’s bucket list for the summer was to NOT go on a roller coaster, but we figured she’d try some kid rides, so first she rode on a plane!

 soon enough she went with Nanna (Camilla’s daughter) on a tower ride where it drops you and spins you around, she loved it! (I don’t even like those rides so I stayed on the ground and took pictures)

We also sent the kids on a paddle boat, then later we decided to do one too and stalk them on the lake 😉

 And here’s another kid roller coaster we got Sonja to try and she loved it too!

So I think we need to remove this from her bucket list!!??

I went on several adult rides with Nanna too, one with our legs dangling and loops and twists.

The last ride was a wooden roller coaster and we got a bonus ride on it and the most fun was whenever we were on rides I squealed and Nanna just laughed AT ME!! then I’d laugh too and we’d both laugh and squeal!

A bonus that night was Danish peas! I haven’t had these in years as I would never be home when it was pea season, but somehow I lucked out this time! they are just delicious!!

1 thought on “Day #5 Saturday in Faarup”

  1. Pamela Arbour

    Thanks for continuing to share your adventures with Sonja and your family. I know you are having a memorable time.

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