day #3 and #4 in Denmark- train ride and camping

day #3 we were getting ready to say goodbye to my cousin and his family

 My aunt picked us up a bit early and brought us to her apartment for a few hours, she likes to sew too and up-cycle fun things like coke labels which she turned into a fun had, she also showed me several bags/purses made from old leather clothing or pants.

 Then we started looking at old photo albums!

This is my mom from mid 70s I think, or at least a bit before I was born.

 Here’s my cousins Caroline and Sara

Then my cousin Soren

and I’m at the bottom 🙂

 And this was from Christmas, she told me she sewed my Christmas dress here.

 Here we were saying goodbye at the train station!

 It was the first time Sonja rode a train

 Then we ended up in northern Denmark and my friend Camilla and her husband Brian picked us up and we went camping with them

The original plan was that they would then drive me to my mom’s house but she was in the hospital! (something I knew about a week or two before the trip, but she was sent home the Thursday before we arrived, but then the next day she went back to the hospital! they weren’t sure when she’d be sent home, so fortunately we were able to stay with Camilla!)h

 After dinner we went to get ice cream, I tried some licorice ice cream and it was pretty good!

 At the same time (Thursday) there was a concert by Johnny Rasmussen, who I actually have a CD from…..the concert was free! it was mobbed with people so we just listened a little bit and drove back to the camping site

something funny about the Danish coast line (the west coast) is that you’re allowed to DRIVE on the beach, so we actually drove back to the camp site’s main road.

 It was a lovely sunset!

Day #4 we stayed at the camp site in the morning

  We went to the pool in the morning, it was a bit cold for us

 There was a big bouncy thing near the pool, I think this is pretty Danish too, it’s not quite a trampoline but sort of, it’s like a big bounce house but without walls, so the kids have to take care getting down if there’s other kids bouncing while they are getting off, they might get “bounced” off….

 There’s also a playground

 In the afternoon we went to Raabjerg knude lighthouse

 It’s a lighthouse that’s being covered up by sand and already several buildings next to it have been covered, now the state is spending a bunch of $ on moving the lighthouse 100m further in-land on August 14th! (Sonja’s birthday)

 Because it’s also on sand dunes, they move around year after year, the landscape changes a bit

 Right next to the lighthouse is a pretty sharp drop like a cliff.

 We did climb up to the top of the lighthouse too!

 On the way back to the car we saw several trees that were growing sideways, it shows how strong the wind is often and that it can also move all the sand etc.

 Near by was an old windmill we went to look at

 Sonja did a “windmill” cartwheel

 before it was too late, we went back to the pool and the kids went in the pool.

5 thoughts on “day #3 and #4 in Denmark- train ride and camping”

  1. Thanks for sharing your trip with us. I’ve never been to Denmark and like seeing the scenery and hearing about different things. As you have on shorts the weather must be warm enough to be comfortable but it sounds like it’s not really swimming weather. Also, ice cream seems to be a nice treat.

  2. Pamela Arbour

    Thanks for all the pics and information. It was almost like being there!

  3. SewMisadventurous

    Looks like fun-filled, busy days. The weather's co-operating too for you and you both look to be having tons of fun. You can see how very close you and Sonja still are just from looking at the photos, and I bet your family can see you as a child again just by looking at your mini-me! Lol. Hope your Mum gets out of the hospital soon and that she feels better soon as well. Enjoy the rest of your holidays, I bet Dan and the other children are missing you, but they'll be happy to see you having fun and reconnecting with your family. Much love, Sharon

  4. Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting

    You look very much like your mother. I hope she gets out of the hospital before you leave.

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