Day #2 in Denmark, botanical garden and at the beach

 This is Soren’s house.

After breakfast their kids were going somewhere so Soren and Christina took us to Aarhus which is the second largest city in DK

It’s on the coast so we drove by the water first

 Then we went to a botanical garden which was FREE!

 They had a large tree house where we walked up to the top and it was VERY hot and humid.

 look at these large lily pads!

 it was nice as all the signs were in Danish, English and German so Sonja was able to read about the plants too

 After that was got some ice cream 🙂

 Then we walked around a bit on such a pretty day.

Then they took us to a small beach area in the Fjord and there was a bridge called the never ending bridge as it was built in a circle.

we got to dip our feet in the water too, it wasn’t that cold

for dinner we had “Frikadeller” which is Danish meatballs, some bearnaise sauce I think and potatoes

 Oh and when we got the food at the grocery store I bought a BIT of Danish candy 🙂

 This was some sort of chocolate candy pie, they had never tried it before.

Day #3 my Aunt Alice (Soren’s mom) took us to downtown Horsens, I hadn’t seen downtown in at least 10yrs I think!

This is a pharmacy!

 some bread at a bakery

We had coffee and soda at a cafe.

 This was the old city hall, I don’t know if it was even the city hall when I was a kid, but a block or so behind it is a huge city hall now.

This is a church called “Frelser’s kirke” (Savior’s church) that’s downtown, I used to sing church choir here for a few years

 The interior has changed a bit

Then about a block away is “Kloster kirken” (Abbey church)

Where Dan and I got married in!

as you can see there’s a lot of ornamental decorations and things from the Catholic days but churches are mostly protestant/lutheran now

 Dan and I also got baptized here

 After that we went back to the Frelser’s kirke as there were swings in front of it and a hotdog stand, it’s like a little house/hut where you order the hotdogs or burgers and either eat there inside or outside.

we had two red hotdogs!


Then we drove out near the harbor/fjord and there was a big green area and a tiny beach

 some troll sculptures

 and a pier where you can walk out and we saw a couple who came out in their swimsuits and went swimming! ha ha, crazy vikings!

 Then Alice took us out to get ice cream!

 and we also went by the house my mom grew up in- and I’m pretty sure she was born in the house too!

 Then back to Soren’s house and for dinner we ordered stone fired pizza

 take a look! anything look odd??

These two middle pizzas where just STRANGE!!

The one on the left had kabob meat and fries on top!

The one on the right had ground beef first then salad on top after it’s baked, that was actually quite good, strange but good!

 After dinner, Tilde and Sonja played Uno 🙂

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