Customer’s Victorian quilt

Last week I quilted this quilt for a customer (My only customer whom I’ve actually never met, she mails me her quilts from Raleigh)

It was this lovely Victorian looking quilt- I don’t know if you actually call it that, but that’s what I nick-named it Smile

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I quilted swirls and feathers all over it- so now Elizabeth is not the only one who likes that design!! Winking smile

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trying different angles and views to get better pics of it, as I’ve been told that sometimes it’s hard to see on blogger.

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It’s mailed back and hopefully she liked it….

I also finished the CT mystery quilt- finally got to quilt it

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I just quilted swirls all over it in white thread

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a fun turquoise scrappy backing

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and machine embroidered label I believe this was a free file by designsbysick

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BTW if any of you want me to long arm a quilt for you, mail it to me, and if it’s over $150 I’ll ship it back for free (In the US)

Let me know!!

my long arm business has totally died over the last 1-2yrs, I know it’s because I live in the country – far away from any quilt store.

I need to write a letter to the stores and let them know about the free shipping offer and send business cards!

4 thoughts on “Customer’s Victorian quilt”

  1. Both quilts look great and yes I can see the detail better in these pics. As for the business, I'm so sorry but what about if you make arrangements to be at one of the stores on a specific day/date each week or two for pickups and deliveries? A few of the quilters here do that and that is what my quilter did before she actually rents space in the LQS. That way it wouldn't matter to the client where you live.

  2. Vroomans' Quilts

    I live close to Michele, so I am repeating her comment. Make up some fliers to put in LQS and also see if you can offer a pick-up service with one or two of them.

  3. the quilting shows up beautifully, two lovely quilts, Do hope you sort out customers to long arm quilt for, sorry I am on the other side of the pond and to be honest trying to learn how to quilt my own quilts, not very successful yet but can only get better!

  4. I hope one day I can "just" quilt swirls like this! Great color choice on the Mystery quilt and I just love a scrappy, pieced backing. I found you on Free Motion by the River. Come check out my blog when you get a chance.

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