Cross stitching now for the Sunday drive

I have been seeing posts lately about quilters doing cross stitch in between quilting, I remembered I had a box of projects from YEARS ago, before I had kids- makes me sound OLD! ha ha

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I remember buying this one in Denmark at some point.

A Map of Denmark with know landmarks/castles etc.

I think I read somewhere that Denmark has the MOST castles of any country.

Do you see the round island in the middle, the yellow house in the middle is Hans Christian Andersen’s house!

Oh and I used to live on Jylland (the left peninsula) in a coastal/harbor town right under the “nose”

Still has quite a way to go on this.

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Then these cute ornaments

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I had made quite a few, but still lots to go.

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Now this cute kitten I thought my mom would like, she’s such a cat person!

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I hadn’t started it at all until last week while my kids did wrestling, well the chart is ODD, it’s not counting crossstitch, it was just a printed chart and there were 3 greys and 3 browns too very similar in color, no chart to see what goes where or any directions, so I did the tail part with the lightest grey and then ran out of it and wasn’t nearly done with light grey! so I think this one is going in the trash!

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My mom also loves wolves, so I had bought this one to start

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sure didn’t get very far!

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Another one is this cute antique store, probably one of the first ones I ever bought maybe when I was still a teenager.

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it’s tricky as the X’s are stamped on there and then I’d follow the chart, don’t really like this type or cross stitch.

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and more

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I found this one completely DONE! it was a set of 3, a famous danish painter from Skagen (the northern tip of DK) P.S Kroyer.

I just need a frame for this one!

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and then some christmas felt stockings, hmm may never get to those

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and I don’t remember at all buying this care bears set!

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But I guess I did work on it a bit!

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This pillow is really pretty too.

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Then this one, Love is patient….. set

Even though it looks like just pink red and purple it’s more colors than that in the letters.

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I decided to work on this one now, so I’ve done lots more than this already, as Sonja was sick earlier last week, we snuggled and watched TV and I did some cross stitching! I’ll show more pics later Smile

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So I’ll bring this in the car on Sundays to and from church- 45 min each way Smile

6 thoughts on “Cross stitching now for the Sunday drive”

  1. Vroomans' Quilts

    You have some lovely pieces there – just pick one and finish, you will be glad you did.

  2. SewMisadventurous

    I was sure I recognised the words in that heart as being one of the readings at my Wedding, in the dim and distant past.I had to look it up but it turns out it's from Corinthians, if you want to add the reference at the bottom of your finished piece Bea, its:- "1 Cor 13:4-8" and it'll be really lovely. Thanks for making me feel less stupid about having a load of half finished projects though.

  3. Looks like some beautiful projects there Bea! I used to do tons of counted cross-stitch but quit a few years ago and….gave away all my books and fabric. I did keep the embroidery thread 🙂 Have fun!

  4. I've been cross stitching for many years and every once in a while I pick it back up. I always have some with me to work on during long car rides, if I don't have a quilt to finish the binding on that is. I agree, pick one and finish it.

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